We Need Each Other: Multigenerational Family
By nature, we tend to spend time with those that are most like us. Recognizing the need for diversity has become a popular topic as of late, but is also a necessary component of the Christian life.
Caring for the Global Church
The purpose of most mission trips within a church context is to conduct short-term trips to provide temporary care to a non-profit organization through VBS, building projects, or humanitarian relief efforts. But what If I told you that some of the most important mission projects the Church can do are to care for those workers who are in the fields daily — working the soil for the harvest that is to come?
Atonement: The Heart of the Gospel
The atonement of Jesus Christ is the most wonderful news any man, woman, or child could ever hear about. The atonement is the center, the very heart of the gospel message. It is simple, yet profound; an ancient truth, yet touching and changing all of life. Every believer needs to be reminded of this act; every unbeliever needs to hear—and believe!
What’s the Point of Summer Youth Camp?
New City Youth is going to Generate Camp this summer, and we think you should come. Sign-ups are available for all rising 6th-12th grade students (whether you go to New City or not!), and we’ve got 5 great reasons to sign up.
Fullness of Joy: Spiritual Disciplines
While the spiritual disciplines are not required for salvation, they are a gift of grace to us as believers. Through them, we labor to keep the Lord always before us because we believe that this truly does bring delight, peace, and joy that overflow into the building up of the church, and the good works we are called to.
How Low Was Our Redeemer Brought
How low was our Redeemer brought, the King who held the stars
Lay helpless in a maiden’s arms and pressed against her heart
While sheep and cattle raised their voice the babe could speak no words
The ever flowing Spring of Joy had come to share our thirst
God’s Perfect Love For Us
Whenever I mess up, I tend to think that God couldn't possibly love me. Instead of believing in who God is and what He's done for me - instead of seeing that in Christ I'm already accepted, forgiven, and loved - I try to earn my way back into His good graces, but that’s where I go wrong.
Practical Ways to Celebrate Advent
Your heart and your home don’t have to match the frenzied pace of our culture’s typical holiday season. While you may still have full days and weeks coming up, the culture and attitude of your Advent season can be different. And it starts with you.
Praying to Nehemiah’s God
The gospel tells us we do not have some distant, far-off God, but an intimate, personal God who desires to comfort us and give us strength. Trust in him, trust in his work, lift your prayers and petitions before him, receiving his peace that goes beyond all human understanding.
After the Benediction
For many of us, it’s easy to think worship stops as we leave the church building or when Monday rolls around. Yet, worship is all of life. Every moment of our lives is worship. Learn a new song with us and remember this truth.
The God of All Seasons
Seasons point to a cycle of life, a sense of one thing tumbling into another, a constant pace of change but always consistently the same. This cycle, like so much else in our natural world, points to the divine hand of a creator. Seasons are meant to bring God glory as well as to mark the passage of time.
Our Favorite Family Advent Devotionals
An Advent devotional can be an excellent tool for turning our hearts and minds toward our true treasure, Jesus, instead of what the world tell us we should treasure.
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