New City Women

Discipleship for Every Woman

New City Women is a series of discipleship programs designed to help women grow in their knowledge of God and their love for God and neighbor.

Like everything we do here, our goal is to help people live in light of the gospel. We believe that knowing Christ deeply changes everything about us, and these programs are another way to grow in our love for Him and in our ongoing transformation into His image. We dream of seeing women transformed by the gospel, growing in discipleship to Jesus through His Word, and sent out to transform their homes, churches, city, and the world.

Each year, we will host a variety of discipleship programs with this goal in mind, and we welcome any woman who wants to learn and grow with us! You don’t have to be a regular New City attendee to participate. Read more below and register for our next program!

Want to know more, or find out how to get involved?

What’s coming up next?

  • Discipleship Classes

    8-week classes offering in-depth teaching on essential beliefs of the Christian faith.

    Fall class (September 2024):
    How To Read the Bible - Part 2

    Spring class (February 2025):
    Sex, Marriage, and Singleness

  • Weekend Retreat

    Retreats are an opportunity to break from the normal rhythms and demands of life for an in-depth time of teaching, rest, and relationship.

    April 19-21, 2024
    Spiritual Disciplines

  • Women's Conference

    These Saturday conferences offer women a chance to meet together and hear teaching, as well as engage in active learning through discussion in small groups.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Heather Perrin

Mary Beth Wood

Amanda Christopher