Discipleship Classes
The mission of New City Women is to help women live in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ by growing in their knowledge of and love for God and neighbor.
The place to start when we want to know God is in the Scriptures - God’s very own Words to His people.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to equip women to read and understand His Word, giving them tools to study their Bibles for the rest of their lives.
Nearly every Christian would confess that the Bible is God’s Word, that it is valuable, and it holds profound meaning for their life. A well-known verse, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, reads “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,.” But many of us come to the Bible with confusion, or we just don’t come at all.
We believe that God has revealed Himself through His Word, and that He wants to make Himself known to us through it. We also believe that the Bible is for everyone. So in this 8-week class, we will work towards a solid understanding of what the Bible is, and learn tools for reading, interpreting, and applying it well.
The Bible is God’s Word, and it tells us who He is and about His work of creating and redeeming our world. It has profound wisdom to shape us and it is where we learn the character of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is infinitely worth our time because it teaches us about Him and His gospel.
Let’s dive in together.
The Bible is for every woman.
How to Read the Bible Part II - Study 1 Peter
When: September 9 - October 28, 2024 | Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM
Where: New City Church | 3500 Riverside Drive
What: An 8-week study of 1 Peter, focusing on implementing the skills and tools of the Inductive Study Method. Any woman is welcome to join this 8-week class where we will learn about the message of 1 Peter, practice Bible study skills, and grow in our ability to read and understand the Bible together.
We hope that this class serves women who have studied their Bibles for years and those who’ve never tried. There are no prerequisites or prior knowledge required, no age restrictions, and any woman is welcome!
The registration fee is $25. This covers the cost of materials and childcare when needed.
Due to space limitations, we are able to provide childcare on a limited basis. If you have other options for childcare, such as a family member or friend, we ask that you use that option. However, we are happy to provide childcare if that is not possible.
Participation in each class is critical - each week will build on the one before! We will also work through many of the topics together in class, giving hands-on practice that you won’t want to miss. There is also a homework component that will take 30-60 minutes per week outside of class.
What is it like?
“This class helped me understand that I have never actually studied the Bible. I have done devotions and reading plans, but this was my first introduction to truly studying the Bible for myself.”
“I found group conversation really helpful as well as diving into scripture together and immediately applying what we were looking at. I also loved the homework that centered on us being disciples making disciples. I found it hard but good to think through who in my life I could share what we had been learning.”
“Taking the time to really study over His Word will naturally help you to know Him better. The more you pour over something, the more you get!”
“I appreciated the shift back and forth between lecture and tablework. Immediately applying what we were learning and learning in small chunks at a time I believe was helpful for all learning styles.”
“I really enjoyed learning about the inductive method of Bible study—it’s something that makes sense but I had never learned before, and I will definitely use in the future. But in addition to the content, I appreciate how it was made practical and down to earth and addressed the very real and common struggles to study the Bible or study it in a way that helps us know God better and grow in His likeness.”
Theology is for every woman.
The mission of New City Women is to help women live in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ by growing in their knowledge of and love for God and neighbor.
One important part of that work is equipping disciples with knowledge of what we believe and why we believe it so we can walk confidently in the truth.
Theology isn’t just for textbooks - what we believe about God, ourselves, and the world impacts our everyday life and enables us to walk with wisdom and humility as we navigate the world.
Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach when you read something about God or faith and think, “I know that’s not true, but I’m not sure why. This is what I’ve always been taught, but is it true?”
Many of us can describe what Christians believe but would struggle to explain why. As our culture grows farther and farther from the truth, it is imperative that every follower of Jesus can articulate the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.
Theology is the study of God - the good and generous God who created all things and is making all things new through His Son, Jesus. To study theology is to grow in our understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world, and by His grace, to grow in our love for Him and obedience to Him.
Theology isn’t just for a special group of Christians - knowing what we believe and why gives us the tools we need to live with confidence in the truth and to communicate it graciously with the world around us.
We believe every follower of Jesus is a disciple-making disciple. So we desire to equip every woman with a foundational understanding of our faith so she can live in the light of the gospel and share it with others as she goes.