What’s the Point of Summer Youth Camp?

by David McCullers

New City Youth is going to Generate Camp this summer, and we think you should come. Sign-ups are available for all rising 6th-12th grade students (whether you go to New City or not!), and we’ve got 5 great reasons to sign up.

  1. Jesus went on retreat; so should we.

Jesus is a great example to follow (obviously). There are multiple places in scripture where Jesus retreats from large crowds and the “normal” of His life. He goes off to spend time with His Father and followers to invest in His relationships. In Luke 4, after He was baptized, Jesus retreated from the crowds to prepare for ministry. Many times throughout the Gospels, Jesus goes off on His own to pray. When students follow this example by going to camp or Christian retreats, they are able to get away from the distractions, just as Jesus did, and spend intentional time with fellow believers and their Savior. By going away from where they are comfortable, they are able to hear the Lord more clearly. ​​Spending focused time in healthy biblical community helps them understand the call to serve, and to make the truth of the Gospel known to everyone they come in contact with.

2. Students experience change at camp.

Camp can be a unique and significant experience in the life of a pre-teen or teenage. Some students are called to follow Jesus for the first time. Some students are called into a lifelong commitment to ministry or missions. Camp is where I first made a profession of faith and where I was called to ministry. Camp is a set-aside time for a group of peers to lift up the name of Jesus, and let the Spirit do what only He can do. God often uses moments away from “normal” life to change lives and reveal His perfect plan. Camp provides the opportunity for students to do just that.

3. Students learn the gospel and are challenged to make the gospel known.

At camp, your student will hear the gospel clearly preached in a way they can understand. This is so important because when this happens, your student will clearly see the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus on display at every session. As we say at New City, the gospel changes EVERYTHING. If the students truly understand that, they will be a conduit of the gospel. They will truly take up the calling that Jesus gave His followers, to be witnesses and make disciples of all people.

4. Camp allows students to spend intentional time with each other.

Camp allows the students to spend time with other students they normally would not see on a daily basis. We have many students who do not go to school together. They get to invest in each others’ lives through camp and build deeper relationships. Through sessions and small groups, the students will not only spend intentional time with each other, but they will also spend time getting to know other students around the state and country. These connections they make at camp for one week may last a lifetime. Our older students will also have the opportunity to pour into our younger students. Camp is a pivotal time in developing leadership skills for our students.

5. Camp is a great investment in students’ lives.

While it may not seem like it at first, paying to send your student to camp is one of the best investments you can make. It may seem like sending your student away for a week is too long, but that week away may be what your student needs to discover or rediscover their love for the Lord. Camp is a place where your student will hear the Gospel preached, have intentional interactions with other students, and learn about how they can truly apply the Gospel to their lives. It is something they cannot afford to miss for their spiritual lives.

So, if you are on the fence about sending your student to Youth Summer Camp, I would encourage you to go for it. This decision just might change your student’s life forever. The deadline to sign up and pay the deposit is Tuesday, January 24, 2023. Contact me for more information (david@newcitymacon.org).


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