Discipleship Pathway

What is a disciple?

We believe that a disciple of Jesus is someone who is increasingly committed to being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing the things that Jesus did. Jesus desires that all believers be multiplying disciples, or disciples who make disciples.

What is a Discipleship Pathway?

New City’s Discipleship Pathway is designed to provide a clear path for how one might grow from a not-yet disciple to a multiplying disciple. There are many ways this might happen! We have created this pathway for you to know what we have available at New City to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus.

Below you will see a description of the five stages of discipleship and the growth opportunities for each one. You will also find links to other pages of our website where applicable. If you’re new here and you want to know where to start, we’d love for you to connect with a missional community, as that is our primary means of discipleship at New City.

The Role of Spiritual Disciplines

John Ortberg said of spiritual disciplines: “Practice such as reading Scripture and praying are important— not because they prove how spiritual we are— but because God can use them to lead us into life.” A significant part of our discipleship pathway is the practice of spiritual disciplines together and individually, with collective focus on a different spiritual discipline each month. We have created a guide to twelve spiritual disciplines that we will cover in 2025. Printed booklets are available to pick up on Sunday, or you can view the digital version here.


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Not Yet Disciples

  • Needs to hear and believe the gospel

  • Hears the gospel through a New City disciple

New Disciples

Growing Disciples

Leading Disciples

    • Evident spiritual disciplines in all of life

    • Leading/helping lead others to be with Jesus & be like Him

    • Life characterized by the “one anothers” & holiness

    • Leading others in gospel identities & sharing their story

Multiplying Disciples

    • Equipping others to lead believers to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, & do what Jesus does

    • Inviting & equipping others to participate in disciple making

    • Sending people & resources to make disciples who make disciples

    • Discipleship classes to help others grow to lead MCs, DNAs, etc

    • Utilize MC pipelines to raise up and send new leaders

    • Equipping their MC in missional 3rd place and serving opportunities