Leadership Cohorts

What are the Leadership Cohorts?

The Leadership Cohorts are theological intensives with practical leadership applications covering topics such as Theology, Intro to the Bible, Soteriology, Sanctification, Pneumatology, and Missiology. There are cohorts for men and women.

The end goal of these cohorts is to deepen a person’s knowledge and understanding of Jesus and His church. In addition, our hope is that men and women would not just gain clarity on their future ministry and become better leaders in the church, but that they also learn helpful leadership lessons for all of life. Christian leadership is not just church leadership; it is leadership as you go - as you go to work, as you go to school, as you live in your home, with your family, with friends, everywhere! At New City we often say that we should not use people for ministry, but ministry for people. This is one way that we can use ministry for your further development.

Interested in being a part of the Cohort?

Leaders are made, not born, and this is not an easy journey. Becoming a leader takes intentionality and commitment. Joining this cohort is a 9-month commitment and will require sacrifice. In addition to the scheduled monthly meeting times, you will be reading multiple hours a week outside of your normal routine and that means you may need to give up social media, tv, hobbies, etc. The Cohorts also include a weekend retreat. If you aren’t intentional about this, inevitably your job, time with family, or time with God will suffer. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said “When Christ calls a man, He bids him ‘come and die”. If Jesus is calling you to join this group, we encourage you to count the cost by asking, “what has to die for me to be able to do this well?”

Each Cohort runs from August through April, with a preliminary meeting in July. Cohorts are intentionally small to facilitate development of relationships and foster group discussion.

Use the buttons below to apply. Before applying, please review the appropriate overview for expectations.
Women’s Cohort Overview
Men’s Cohort Overview