Serving with New City
It’s who we are.
Jesus came as a servant to serve and not be served by others. As believers we are being shaped into the very image of Jesus. That means that like him, we are here to serve and not simply to be served by others. Servants serve!
As we serve, we live out our identity in Christ and build relationships with those around us as we work shoulder to shoulder to see the gospel proclaimed and God’s kingdom advanced.
Below are several areas for serving. When you’re ready to join us in serving, let us know.
Band, Tech, A/V
Needs include vocalists, musicians, and tech team members. Practices are Sunday mornings before worship services.
New City Kids
Lead teachers and helpers are needed at each age and grade level, from birth through fifth grade.
Connect Team
Serve with the Connect Team in the lobby, at the coffee bar, or in the parking lot.
New City Youth
Youth ministry leaders are needed to help with games, building relationships, and small group discipleship.
Missional Communities
New City MC Leaders are responsible for our home gatherings during the week.
Prayer Team
The prayer team prays for people at the end of each service, and also prays together with others between services.