No More Tears, No More Pain

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”  Revelation21:4-5

One day Jesus is going to return. He’s going to fix everything that is broken. He will right all wrongs. Tears will be no more and pain will be gone. Death will be no more. It’s easy to forget this when it seems there is tragic news around every corner. In love Jesus came to save us through His life, death, and resurrection. And He promises to come again to restore all things. 

What a day that will be!! 

This beautiful song reminds of that truth so we can look forward with confident expectation that the King is coming, and He will make all things new.

Take a listen and read along below. 

Verse 1
I see a King ruling with equity
Reigning with empathy in the name of love
I see a King standing with those in need
Welcoming refugees in the name of love

Verse 2
I see a King making it all like new
Turning the sad untrue in the name of love
I see a King governing every place
Cherishing every race in the name of love

I see the glory of the Lord
Fill the corners of the world
Like a river to a desert He restores
And I can hear the earth rejoice
Clap her hands and shout for joy
Singing, "Great is the King Hallelujah!
He's done great things!"

Verse 3
I see a King throwing a wedding feast
Inviting the poor and least in the name of love
I see a King laughing with great delight
Sharing the finest wine, He's the name of love

Soon the day, soon the day
Soon the day, soon the day
No more sickness, no more tears, no more pain
Soon the day, He will reign forevermore
Soon the day, soon the day
Soon the day, soon the day
No more sickness, no more tears, no more pain
I see a King, His reign will be, forever

Singing "Great is the King, Hallelujah!"
Singing "Great is the King, Hallelujah!"
"Great is the King, Hallelujah!
He's done great things!"


You Gotta Have Friends


Homesick for Heaven