Homesick for Heaven

by Kaytlyn Cobb

Several months ago I was spending some time with my Grandfather over a simple meal of homemade burgers and my Grandmother’s cheesecake, and our conversation was full of catching up and laughter. He shared fond memories of fishing trips with friends and projects he’s been working on. However, the tone of the conversation began to change as he shared with me that most of the friends he once traveled and fished with have since passed, and his aging body is full of aches and pains that are drastically affecting his quality of life. These are all heartbreaking realities of life, but it spurred me to ask this question, “Does this make you excited for Heaven?” He answered with a very enthusiastic “oh, yes!” 

As I have thought more about this conversation, it has prompted me to consider my own longing for heaven. I’m in good shape physically - neither my mind nor body are ‘failing’ me, I’m enjoying life with my family and friends and hold tightly to memories being made in these days. So if I may confess my heart in this space, I don’t know that I think a lot about heaven in my day to day. I check the box that I know and follow Jesus and therefore my eternity is secure, but I am perfectly content spending these days right where I am and absentmindedly thinking that heaven is a world away.

He Will Dwell With Them (Us)

In the beginning of time in the Garden, God was present with His creation and humanity. It was perfect – no separation between God and man. Just work, worship, and perfect communion. Sin messes this all up, and humanity is banned from the presence and direct access to God. As part of His redemption plan, God’s Spirit dwells ‘near’ His people (in temples, clouds, fire, etc.) Okay, it’s not the Garden we once had, but it’s better than nothing, right? God is graciously making a way to dwell with His people.

But then, in the fullness of time, He sends Jesus and we have God in the flesh. This is awesome! How can this get any better?! He’s physically here, walking with His people. After His death and resurrection, Jesus then returns to the Father and sends us His Spirit. We doubted this would be better, but really, this is pretty cool! What used to only dwell in temples or in one human man now dwells in every single believer giving us direct access to Him! This actually is better!

But family, according to Scripture, it does get better than this! We have a Home awaiting us, a Place where everything will be right and restored. And what a Homecoming this will be - fully and finally reunited with the Father once and for all. 

“According to His great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you,...” 1 Peter 1:3-4

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “I am making all things new.”” Revelation 21:3-5

It’s an odd concept to be homesick for a place we’ve never been. We feel unsettledness in our souls that we fill with experiences, things, achievements, etc., temporarily filling a longing that can’t be satisfied this side of eternity. Our bodies deteriorate with ailments that cannot be cured. This is not the end nor is it meant to be. We have a greater hope for what is to come - shouldn’t we get excited and long for that promise to be fulfilled?

Paul writes in Philippians 1:22-23, “If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better” (emphasis mine). Do I live as if the truth of Heaven is far better? Or are my actions building a kingdom here on earth when my intended home and longing is in heaven?

I love that Paul walks right down that line of tension that we feel so often - we aren’t twiddling our thumbs until we reach our eternal home. There’s good, fruitful work to do now! God’s Spirit with us means that He is making things new, bringing His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven with you and me, right now. But also, we are never too far from the harsh reality of living outside the garden. We feel the brokenness of sin in our hearts, of pain in relationships with others, disaster and disease and war and hate, and so we plead for God to make all things right and pine for the day when He will. Both are true of the Christian walk - joyful service today, and rapturous expectation for that great Day.

Believers, let’s talk about Heaven more. Let’s spur this conversation with one another, motivated in our work for the here and now as we prepare one another for eternity with a holy longing for what is to come for us. Can you even imagine that there is a place where the war between flesh and spirit is over? Or that our hearts that constantly battle for the ‘next and better’ is quenched, because we are finally and fully fulfilled in His presence? Let’s look to it with anticipation of fulfilled promises of Heaven as our true Home! 


No More Tears, No More Pain


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