New City Women: Fall 2023 Discipleship Class!

by Heather Perrin

Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach when you read something online about God or Christianity and thought, “I know that’s not true, but I’m not sure why. This is what I’ve always been taught, but is it true?”

Influencers, celebrities, and even our friends online make claims about truth, reality, and what it means to be happy every day - and many of them are convincing. We are all consuming a flood of opinions and information each day, and it can be difficult to sort through the messages. Whether or not we’re aware of it, we are all being discipled by what we consume, and often what we’re taking in does not line up with biblical truth. Do we have the skills to hold fast to the foundational truths of our faith?

Many of us can describe what Christians believe but would struggle to explain why. As our culture grows farther and farther from the truth, it is imperative that every follower of Jesus can articulate the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. As we grow in our knowledge of God’s truth, we become increasingly able to spot the distortions all around us. This is the work of theology.

Theology is for every woman.

The mission of New City Women is to help women live in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ by growing in their knowledge of and love for God and their neighbor.

One important part of that work is equipping disciples with knowledge of what we believe and why we believe it so we can walk confidently in the truth.

Theology isn’t just for textbooks - what we believe about God, ourselves, and the world impacts our everyday life and enables us to walk with wisdom and humility as we navigate the world.

Theology is the study of God - the good and generous God who created all things and is making all things new through His Son, Jesus. To study theology is to grow in our understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world, and by His grace, to grow in our love for Him and obedience to Him.

Theology isn’t just for a special group of Christians - knowing what we believe and why gives us the tools we need to live with confidence in the truth and to communicate it graciously with the world around us.

We believe every follower of Jesus is a disciple-making disciple. So we desire to equip every woman with a foundational understanding of our faith so she can live in the light of the gospel and share it with others as she goes.

Fall 2023 Discipleship Class: Core Beliefs

We hope you will join us this fall as we seek to grow in our theology so we can love God and our neighbor. We will take 8 weeks to explore some foundational truths of the Christian faith: Who is God? What does it mean to be a human? Who is Jesus? How can a person be saved? And many more.

Each week we will hear teaching on a foundational truth - what are the essentials of the Christian faith? And then work together to understand how that truth has meaningful, practical applications in our everyday lives. Our theology never rests in our heads, it always changes what we love and how we live.

The class will introduce these essential questions:

  1. What is theology and where do we find it?

  2. Who is God?

  3. What does it mean to be human?

  4. Who is Jesus?

  5. Who is the Holy Spirit?

  6. How is a person saved?

  7. What is the church? and What will happen at the end of the world?

  8. How do we live as a Family of Missionary Servants in light of this truth?

Our study of theology will last a lifetime - and into eternity - so this class will by no means answer every question there is. But we will begin the good work of asking good questions and thinking deeply about what we believe, always seeking to know God better and to love Him more as a result.

If you are brand new to the faith, this will be a great introduction to what Christianity is all about. If you feel intimidated by theology, we hope this class helps you see that theology really is for everyone. And if you’ve been a student of theology for years, come join us as we learn from one another!


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