Celebrating God's Provision and the Heart to Serve: Cameron and Sally Brown's Missional Community Journey

by Larry Purvis

In life, we often overlook the significance of the little things, dismissing them as mere coincidences or unrelated events. However, when we look closer, we can see how God's hand has been at work, orchestrating moments of provision and guidance. Today, we celebrate the story of Cameron and Sally Brown, a couple whose lives exemplify God's provision and their heart to serve others like Jesus. Through their newfound role as hosts of a Northside Missional Community, they have embraced the call to create a comfortable and welcoming home, reflecting God's love for those around them.

The Journey Begins

"Hey, Larry! We are happy to start hosting the MC at our house," Sally excitedly shared. Little did she know that this decision was the culmination of a series of events carefully orchestrated by God. Sally had recently decided to step down from her full-time job as a pharmacist to spend more time with her children. God had placed this desire in her heart nine months ago, and the timing had worked out perfectly. As she transitioned to part-time work, she discovered she would have Wednesdays off, providing ample family time and even time for having guests over!

A Heart for Hospitality:

In talking with Sally, one can quickly get a sense of her admiration for the concept of hospitality and her desire to create a warm and inviting home for family and friends. This passion would further be ignited after reading The Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson. This book resonated deeply with Cameron and Sally, but little did they know that this desire to be more hospitable would soon align with their newfound responsibility as the hosts of Northside Missional Community.

God's Perfect Timing

When Arthur and Erin Lin, the previous hosts of Northside MC, shared the news of their upcoming move to Hawaii, this created an opportunity for the Missional Community to find a new home. Since their house was three doors down from the Lins, Cameron, and Sally just assumed they would be the new hosts! They didn't even question it! Looking back, they now realize that the seemingly unrelated events—the change in Sally's work schedule, her passion for hospitality, and the Lins relocation—were all connected to God's grand plan to prepare them for this small yet significant act of service. God was working in the background--in the details for the good of His people.

The Beauty of a Missional Community

To better understand why this is such a big deal, you need to know what a Missional Community is and why hosting is so crucial in such a context. A Missional Community is a group of individuals who gather regularly to serve together and live out the mission of Jesus together. It goes beyond a typical small group or Bible study. It's a family, and it is in a Missional Community where we, as disciples of Jesus at New City, receive the greatest care and encouragement, growing deeper in our faith in Jesus and our commitment to helping others live in light of the good news about His life, death, and resurrection.

So, hosting a Missional Community is huge! By opening their doors and hearts, Cameron and Sally have created an environment where people can experience genuine love, care, and acceptance. Through their hospitality, Cameron and Sally have become vessels of God's grace, creating an atmosphere where the love of Jesus can be tangibly felt. And in their home, amid shared meals, laughter, and deep conversations--will relationships be formed, wounds healed, and the gospel of Jesus shared.

Ultimately, Cameron and Sally's story is a beautiful testament to our Heavenly Father's provision for us. It serves as a reminder that even in the little details and seemingly unrelated events, He is at work, aligning circumstances and stirring hearts to fulfill His purposes.

Through the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, Cameron and Sally have found joy and fulfillment in opening their home and serving others, following in the footsteps of Jesus. May their journey inspire us all to recognize the significance of the little things, to heed the gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit, and to embrace opportunities to serve and love others sacrificially--reflecting God's heart and bringing His love and grace into the lives of those around us.


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