We Love Our Students!

Like all of us teenagers have also been affected by COVID-19. Their lives have been completely altered. School in which students spend 8 hours a day looks completely different. Class room learning has been switched to online learning. Friends and peers that were seen maybe multiple times a day aren’t seen anymore. Practices and recitals are cancelled. Sporting events are cancelled. Graduations are changed if not cancelled. No proms or end-of-year dances to attend with groups of friends. 

Though it seems like many of them are more than happy to stay home and play video games all day, like you and I, they miss social interactions as well. Even the most introverted of people cant stay isolated for long. (I mean you saw what happened to Tom Hanks when he got stranded on that island…he started talking to a volleyball…*Insert wide-eyed awkward face.) 

We were created to be in community. From the very beginning of time there has always been community, a perfect community in the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When God created Adam, He saw that Adam was alone. Not long after, God created Eve and said it was good. (Genesis 1:1-2, 26-27; Genesis 2:5-7, 15-25)

What is God communicating to us when the very first human that walked on this earth needed a companion? God being in perfect community created us to bear His image, therefore to be in community with Him and with others, to be family. He created us with that inner sense of longing to be with others. The evidence is all around us. The people you work with become your “work family”. Crossfit gyms have this sense of family. Your neighbors or friends overtime became like family. I heard someone say they are your “chosen family.” lol 

The adult leaders of a our Student MC wanted to show how much we missed our students. We understand how difficult it must be to not be able to be with your friends at school or other events. Currently we gather as a Student MC online via Zoom. This past weekend we put together little goodie bags for our students and then delivered them to their homes. We really love and miss our students and can’t wait to gather in person once again! 

Although things look different, our identity stays the same. Our mission stays the same. As those who have been redeemed by Christ, we are now made anew and called to live as a family of missionary servants. Together we wanted to reach out to our Student MC family and let them know they that are loved and missed dearly. 

If you’re interested in serving as a leader in our Student MC or have any questions, please contact me at arthur@newcitymacon.org 


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Free to Dwell on Jesus