Free to Dwell on Jesus

I made myself a promise before writing this blog. I promised myself I wouldn’t write about COVID-19. No forecasts or statistic sharing. No attempts at profound musings about the potential state of the world when this is over. What I really need to share right now is good news. So, I’d like to share some good news with you, and by doing so remind myself that there is good news to rejoice in.

The good news I need, and the good news you need is the gospel. The good news of Jesus, the Son of God. Good news that Jesus took on flesh and lived among us, living a life of perfect obedience that we could never live. Good news that he laid down His sinless life by dying on the cross in our place, dying the death for sin that we deserve. Good news that death couldn’t hold him, but He rose on the 3rd day victorious over sin, death, and Satan. That’s the good news we need: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

It’s easy to let our minds dwell on things that don’t bring life. Whether it’s meditating on things that bring anxiety or dwelling on hurts and disappointments that bring anger. Maybe it’s looking back to our sins and failures of the past that cause us to wallow in guilt and shame.  Maybe it’s delusions of grandeur that convince us that we are deserving of so much more and that the world needs to take notice of our greatness. Whatever it may be (maybe it’s all of the above), there are many paths our minds can wander down that only lead to death.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way! This is why the gospel is so incredible! It is good news that when believed, trusted, and meditated on, RENEWS our minds. It brings life and peace. It brings hope. It brings rest that is not dependent on our circumstances. When we trust in Jesus, we are free to fix our minds on God’s goodness towards us in the gospel and experience transformation. This is such good news!

One of my favorite passages to remind me of this good news is Colossians 3:1-4:

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory.”

I love this passage because it tells me I’m free to set my mind on Jesus. I don’t have to dwell on myself and be led to despair. I am free to take my eyes off myself and look to Jesus, knowing He’s where life, peace, and transformation are found. I’m reminded that because I’m in Christ, my identity is defined by Him.

I don’t have to dwell on sins of the past, because my old man died in Him. The person I used to be, sins and all, has been dealt with…he no longer exists.

I don’t have to be controlled by insecurity in the present because “my life is hidden with Christ, in God.” I am secure; I’m a new creation in Christ. I am safe in the deepest way possible because I’m united to Christ.

I don’t have to fear the future, because when he appears, I will also appear with Him in glory. I know how things will turn out! I will spend eternity with Him, eternity with no sickness, sadness, or death. Eternity where evil and suffering are no more. Eternity in a resurrection body that’s not subject to decay. Eternity with Him, where I’m able to see His face and enjoy His presence forever.

This is the good news I needed to remind myself of. I’m free to set my mind on Jesus. I hope you’ve been encouraged to look to Him and experience freedom as well.


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