So That The World May Know

We are constantly receiving messages from our culture to see ourselves purely as isolated individuals. The idea of the rugged individual who climbs the mountain alone through grit and determination as a model example of self-sufficiency is regularly glorified through entertainment and media. This image is often a source of incredible stress and anxiety to many who feel the pressure of trying and failing to live up to this ideal, while feeling alone and inadequate.

What makes the gospel such good news is that Jesus “climbed the mountain” for us. He lived a life of perfect obedience that we couldn’t live. He climbed Calvary and died the death our sin deserves on the cross. He rose on the 3rd day victorious over sin, death, and Satan. The gospel brings us good news that we can be accepted by God, not because of what we’ve done, but because of what Jesus has done.

The gospel also brings us good news that we never have to be alone. Through faith in Jesus and what He has done, we are reconciled to the Father. Because we are filled with the Holy Spirit, His presence is always in us and with us. This is good news!

There’s even more! Through faith in Jesus, we are brought into a family, the church! In Christ, we who believe are brothers and sisters, we are family. The local church is where we live together as family in Christ. At New City this happens primarily in Missional Communities (MC’s). This is how we live as a Family of Missionary Servants.

When Christians live as family, brothers and sisters in Christ, it displays something to the world. It shows the world that it’s because of Jesus that we are united to God and to one another. When we love and serve one another as brothers and sisters, it points the world to how Jesus loved and served us!

This blog from Jayne Vanderstelt is a great reminder that in Christ we are never alone and that our unity as brothers and sisters in Christ displays the gospel to the world.

Marked by One-ness

Have you ever tried making a sandwich with one hand? We often take for granted that most everyday tasks are a whole lot easier with two. Our body is an amazing picture of what it looks like to need others and to work together toward a common goal. Paul compared God’s people to a body in 1 Corinthians 12 and reminds us that we all have a vital part to play as we join with other believers to make Jesus known!

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” -Mother Teresa

Jesus didn’t send His disciples out alone, nor does He send us out alone.

The God who made you, sustains you, fully knows and loves you is with you! When you received Jesus you also received his Spirit who lives in you and makes you one with God. You now belong to a larger family, the church. You are not alone.


Before we were born, Jesus prayed for us! John 17 records Jesus’ longest prayer. He deeply desired that we would know we are loved and unified with Him and that we would also experience unity with our fellow Christians who are here to help us along the way.

Let’s take a closer look at what Jesus prayed would be true for us in John 17.

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,  that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,  I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” John 17:20-23

In this passage, Jesus is about to be handed over to the authorities to be crucified. He is praying for His disciples and for those of us who will come to believe in Him through their message. He prays, as He is one with His Father, we too would be one with Him and each other… “So that the world may know that you have sent me and loved them even as you have loved me.”

Our unity with Jesus and other believers paints a picture to an unbelieving world of what it means to be in a loving relationship with God. Jesus cares deeply about this. That is why he prayed this prior to His death and resurrection, knowing he was about to die to make this possible.

As we love one another and serve others together we display how Jesus loved and served us. Jesus desperately wants the people you are reaching out to, to know that they are wanted and loved by Him! Invite them into your community so they can see God’s love in action and experience life in a loving family, that is marked by one-ness and not aloneness.

What are some practical ways you can come alongside your neighbors, friends and family and display the message of Jesus’ love and your unity with him?


CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): New City Church’s Plans and Precautions


Something to Fight For