CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): New City Church’s Plans and Precautions

Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:5-7

These verses offer us some insight to how we are to approach the current uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of the coronavirus – prayerfully, faithfully and reasonably.  While there is much that is still unknown about the spread of the virus and the extent of the dangers, it has become clear that for many, the virus is life threatening.  This reality along with all of the unknowns is leading to a time of great anxiety and panic.  Rather than anxiety and panic, we should pray.  Pray for world leaders, health professionals and for the many who have and will contract the virus.  Trust in the midst of this crisis that God has not been taken by surprise and faithfully believe that He is still Lord and King over all.  It is in this trust and faith in Him that we will find peace instead of panic.  Finally we should be reasonable in our actions and activities with regard to the recommendations of health and government officials in light of our faith and practices.

 Practical Ways we Intend to Do this at New City


Please pray for those who have been infected by the virus. Pray it would stop spreading. Pray for healthcare providers who are working to treat and prevent the virus. Pray for all leaders to have wisdom as we make decisions about safety in the days ahead. The more we pray the more our hearts will be guarded against worry and anxiety.

Corporate Worship & Missional Community

We will gather this Sunday for regular corporate worship and as of now we will continue gathering with our missional communities. We believe corporate worship on Sunday and gathering with our family during the week is essential to our witness as a church.  Christians have met throughout church history as a signal that Jesus is Lord and the gospel is true.  At this time, our intention is to continue gathering together with our New City family for prayer and worship.

For those who are at higher risk of contracting the virus because of age or other health reasons it may be wise and reasonable for you to avoid gathering with us on Sunday mornings or perhaps even with your Missional Community.  We urge caution.


For now our plans are to serve and celebrate communion as we normally do each week.  As always, taking communion is a personal choice. If you prefer to abstain from communion during this time, there is no condemnation.  If you have been ill recently, please love your church family well by abstaining from communion.

Consider Others

While we place a high priority on gathering together as the church, if you or your children are feeling sick or running a fever, the best way that you can love your neighbor is by staying home! If you need to stay home instead of coming to a worship gathering, we encourage you to worship online with us through streaming our services on Facebook.  We also encourage you to stay in touch with your Missional Community and we urge our Missional Communities to stay in touch with those who choose to stay away for health reasons.

Serve Others

As believers we are being shaped into the image of Jesus who came not to be served but to serve.  Current circumstances will likely provide terrific opportunities for us to serve others, those in the church and those who may not be.

Stay Clean

We encourage everyone to take certain steps to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus, flu, and other illnesses, including:

  • Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • Using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available

  • Not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands

  • Covering your cough or sneeze

  • Disinfecting objects and surfaces regularly

  • If you prefer a fist-bump instead of a handshake by all means fist-bump

  • We are doing all that we can to make sure that our facilities are cleaned thoroughly

  • Gospel Unity Above All

There are so many opinions and viewpoints about the virus and precautions being taken around the world and in our community. Healthy dialogue and conversation can be good. However, continue to be gracious to those who disagree. Some in our church family may choose to stay at home during this time. They should not be made to feel as if they are in sin. Neither should those of us who gather for worship and fellowship. Above all let’s maintain our unity in the gospel as a church family.

We are carefully and continually monitoring this situation. We are committed to doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for our church family and our surrounding community. While we do intend to treat any threat with utmost seriousness, we also want to encourage you to remember the gospel.


Jesus Has Come for Days Like This


So That The World May Know