Share Your Story

by Arthur Lin

I’ve had the honor of hearing countless stories of salvation, people putting their faith and trust in Jesus and made new creations. It’s a beautiful testimony of God’s pursuit, love, and power through His son Jesus Christ. But there’s one thing that irks me. It’s when someone prefaces their story with this: 

“I was born and raised in a Christian home.
I was grew up in the church.
My story is nothing fantastic or exciting.”

So, I’m on the other side of this. I grew up in a Buddhist household. I didn’t grow up going to church. I attended kids ministry events here and there but I was really just there for social interaction…and snacks. Growing up I was really looking for my purpose in life. I tried this. I tried that. And they all just left me wanting. In high school some friends invited me to youth group. There I heard the glorious news of Jesus. I heard the story of the gospel. It was there when I trusted and put my faith in Jesus. I realized I was created in the image of God and because of sin I was broken, doomed to death, in need of salvation. Yet, Christ took it upon Himself to live the life I couldn’t, to take the punishment and wrath of the Father that I deserved, and rose from the dead to give me new, everlasting life. 


**Take a minute and stop right where you are. Whatever you’re doing just stop (Except if your driving. That would be highly irresponsible. In which case, why are you reading this right now anyways? Pay attention to the road!). Take a moment to remember when you were saved. Was it when you were 5 or 6? Was it in high school at a youth retreat? Was it in college by invitation at a college ministry or local church? How did you feel? Do you remember the joy? Looking back now, do you realize what you have been saved from??**


Remember what you have been saved from. 
Recognize the misbelief that your story is “boring.” 
We deserved complete and utter damnation. From Adam and Eve’s sin we continued down a hole that we ourselves could never climb out. The world is now broken, full of anger, hatred, fear, sickness, natural disasters, so very far from God’s original design. For turning our backs on our perfect and holy Father, pridefully thinking WE were the way, the truth, and the life, we deserve nothing but death.

Yet, God in his infinite grace and mercy chose to rescue us from the pits of death. Christ Jesus took on flesh and descended to the earth below, into His creation to save a rebellious people to whom He gave life. He bore the wrath of the Father upon Himself, carrying every ounce of pain and agony to the cross. He endured the blood, sweat, pain and silence from the Father for us. He lay in the dark, cold tomb lifeless until the third glorious day when He rose victoriously defeating sin and death and Satan. Friend…brother and sister in Christ…we have been saved from MUCH!!!  (Isaiah 53:5-6)


The next time you are asked to share your story, share with unashamed joy, no matter how “boring” the life circumstance. 
If I’m honest, I’m envious of you who can say that statement above. I wish I grew up in a Christ following home. I wish my parents were believers and I pray each and every day for them. It’s because of hearing that preface so much that my desire to live out the gospel in my home before my wife and daughters is so strong! 

When was the last time you shared your story? 
Whether you’ve shared your story today, yesterday, or it’s been a while, I encourage you to share it again! 
Share your story of salvation and redemption. 
Share your story of hope and transformation. 
It is irrefutable. It is undeniable. 
Remember the the joy of salvation! 
Remember what you have been saved from! 
Share because other brothers and sisters in Christ need to hear and be encouraged. 
Share because others needs to know the beautiful, hopeful, redeeming message of Jesus. 

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Psalm 51:12


I Give Thanks...


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