Roe v. Wade Decision and the Church

by Keith Watson

Increasing Needs

No matter where you stand on the opinion of the Supreme Court with regards to Roe v Wade, one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the recent SCOTUS decision will lead to greater needs for pregnant women and families.  As many states greatly limit access to abortion, there will potentially be far fewer abortions in those states and that will lead to increasing needs for help, including:

  • Food

  • Housing

  • Medical Care

  • Employment

  • Education

  • Childcare

  • Foster Care

  • Adoption

A History of Helping
While many pro-choice supporters claim that the Church and pro-lifers only care about the unborn, the truth is that the church has historically led the way in meeting these needs and more.  Many churches and denominational associations have food pantries available to those in need.  More than just food, many of these organizations offer free clothing as well.  The vast majority of homeless organizations in operation today are the result of Christians and churches seeking to meet housing needs.  Most of those organizations work to connect those in need with education resources as well as employment.  Many churches and religious organizations seek to provide affordable childcare.  And if you look at the statistics on fostering children as well as adoptions, you will find that Christian, pro-lifers foster and adopt at higher rates.  In addition, churches give away countless millions to help in all of those ways to individuals and families in their congregations.

A Call for More Help
This isn’t a history to rest on, it is a call for more involvement.  As needs increase we should be prepared to meet those needs in even greater ways.  New City Church will be looking for ways to increase involvement with organizations we are already partnered with.  We will also look for potential new partnerships to help meet growing needs.  But this isn’t just an “institutional” call.  This is a call for families, singles, business owners, all of us as individuals to give more and do more.  It is a call for us to be more personally engaged and invested.  It’s a call for our Missional Communities to engage in new ways.
We have done much, let’s do more.

5th Sunday Giving
This month’s 5th Sunday giving is such an opportunity!  All our in-house giving on July 31 will go to support Caring Solutions of Central Georgia. 

“Caring Solutions began in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that delivers compassionate services to women and their partners facing unplanned pregnancies in a nationally-accredited healthcare setting. We strive daily to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing unplanned pregnancies and have multiple locations to serve our community well.” 
(From the Caring Solutions website)

Caring solutions was already striving to meet the needs of women and families considering abortion. As they anticipate growing needs, they are working to increase services and resources. New City has invested in women and families through Caring Solutions for years.  We believe this is a great organization of people who love women, children, and families in Middle Georgia.  We are happy to support their work and look forward to seeing new ways that we might do that in the future.

A Final Plea
One last plea. If you are a part of New City, I am thankful for the many, many ways you give and serve. As we are able, let’s do more.  Let’s find new ways to serve and strive to give more. If your MC has no Missional Partnership, would you consider a partnership to help in one of these areas of growing needs?

If you are a part of another church, is your church giving and serving to meet these needs?  Could you help lead your church family to do more and give more to meet the likely growing needs of women and families?

Church, let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those in need both in word and deed.

PS - Come back Thursday and Read “Life After Roe Starts With You and Me,” by Lindsey Hoyt


Life After Roe Starts With You and Me


Faith and Knowledge