Rhythms: Everyday Opportunities

by Rhett Pritchett

Missional Communities are our version of small groups at New City. They are smaller gatherings of New City Church that meet in homes. They are the primary place at New City where we live out our identities as a Family of Missionary Servants. They are where we help others live in light of the gospel.

Helping others live in light of the gospel is deeply relational. When we look at the ministry of Jesus, we see Him spending three years with His twelve disciples. When we think of those three years, we often think of the miracles and public teachings. As important as those are, we can’t forget that those weren’t the only things Jesus did with the twelve. They walked countless miles together, they shared many meals together, they sat by campfires together, they went to weddings together (Jn. 2:1-12). They were together in all the daily rhythms and normal things of life during Jesus’ 3-year public ministry. It would be easy to only think of the public teachings and miracles as the formative times for the twelve. While they no doubt were deeply formative for them, Jesus saw all of life as opportunities for discipleship. He even used something as normal and unexciting as paying taxes to disciple Peter (Mt. 17:24-27)!

In MC Leaders Training, we have an entire meeting that is devoted to discussing the importance of rhythms. Why? The busyness of modern life. We hear the call be disciples of Jesus and make disciples of Jesus and we fear adding tons of things to already busy schedules. If your life is filled with family, full time jobs, kid’s activities, weekly commitments, and maintaining a home, the thought of adding more can feel overwhelming.

This is why rhythms are so important, because they help us to see the things we are already doing as opportunities to be disciples and make disciples. Rhythms are all the normal things of life that allow us to see God’s work in us as disciples of Jesus and God’s work through us that He uses for the discipleship of others.

MCs are the place where we help one another see rhythms in light of the gospel, not only as individuals, but together. This includes meals, celebrations (birthdays, graduations, new jobs, etc), recreation, and rest. These a just of few of the many rhythms that make up our lives where we live, work, and play.

Let’s take one, meals. Most of us eat 2-3 a day. That is 14-21 meals each week! This isn’t an addition to our life, but something we are guaranteed to do. What if we see those meals as opportunities for the discipleship of our family, our church, our neighbors, our co-workers? It may take a little planning, but a regular rhythm of seeing meals in light of the gospel could be something the Holy Spirit uses to have a tremendous impact on our lives and the lives of others. This could look like a weekly meal with someone in your MC or church community, a few lunch breaks a month to engage co-workers, meals to intentionally get to know your neighbors, etc. That is so many opportunities by simply seeing a normal rhythm in a new way.

If you would like to begin the process of prayerfully seeing the rhythms that make up your life as opportunities to follow Jesus, this list from the blog “Being The Church Everyday” by Jeff Vanderstelt is very helpful:

1)     Evaluate. Carve out some time to consider all you are presently doing or involved in. What if you were to start seeing those activities and events as the places where God wants to work through you to show his glory and tell his story? That’s what he intends to do through all of his people.

2)     Pray. God wants gospel saturation to happen through you, but it first of all needs to happen to you. Invite him to saturate you with his Spirit and then saturate your world with his glory every day and everywhere. Ask for the Spirit to show where he wants you to focus your time and efforts. Pray through each of your daily rhythms and ask God to open your eyes and heart to where He is already working. Invite him to show you areas that need the good news of Jesus.

3)     Reprioritize. After prayerful reflection of the activities and rhythms of your daily life, is there anything you should cut so you have more time to spend in other areas? Or maybe there is something Jesus is leading you to start doing? Or even keep doing, but in a different way?

4)     Submit and Share. Test what you’re hearing against Scripture and process with your spouse, missional community, friends – anyone you trust to give you wise counsel. Invite them to speak into your conclusions and to partner with you in the work if necessary.

5)     Act. Begin to make the necessary changes. Remember that Jesus is already at work in the relationships and situations in your life. And, in you. You have the power and presence of God.


If you would like a community to walk through this process with, we would love to help you connect with a MC! Check our MC page at our website, https://www.newcitymacon.org/mcgroups.


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