My Need For Church

by Arthur Lin

This past year has had a lot of ups and downs, way more than I can count. One of the lowest points of the year was the passing of my dad in January. It was sudden. It was unexpected. I felt sadness, sorrow, confusion, numbness, and even anger. With all of those emotions swirling inside of me, it would have been easy for me to bury myself in social media or close myself off from the world. I’m thankful for God’s gift of the church to the world. 

There are many things in this world that vie for our attention. They’re successful because those same things claim to be truth, and we’re bombarded with such persuasive messaging 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re all looking for some sort of truth that promises a good life, that promises understanding, that promises peace, comfort, love, etc. What we view or scroll through often promises those things. The big problem is most of those things aren’t Jesus. 

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
— John 14:6

At New City, I know with certainty that the truth of Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection are sung and preached each and every Sunday. Together as a church family we sing, listen, and encourage one another. What a beautiful gift! 
From there we go into our weeks and gather with our MC’s, our missional communities where we further press the gospel truths into our lives. 
We think and talk through God’s intent for the world upon the creation of it by his hands. We’re reminded that this is an imperfect world scarred by sin and its effects. We’re  encouraged by the Truth, God Himself stepped down from His throne and took on flesh to save all who would believe. Because of His life, death, and resurrection we can have and know true everlasting peace, hope, love, and joy. We can be made completely anew and have life everlasting. 

THIS is the truth that we need to hear each and every day. THIS is the reason for church. We NEED to gather with fellow believers to remind one another of the truths of the gospel every week. I’d argue we need that reminder every minute of every day! So, when hard times do inevitably come, we are prepared and we’re not tossed to and fro by false truths. (Ephesians 4:14) 

My dad had come to church a number of times and we had a number of conversations about Jesus. In the last months before his passing I noticed a change. I noticed him more at peace. In different conversations He would allude to God and His grace. He was a man of very few words and often didn’t show or express much emotion, so I don’t know what was going on in his heart. But I am hopeful that God did a wondrous work in him and made him new in his last seconds here. In my mourning I was reminded that we don’t have to get it all right or perfect, we simply need to repent and believe. Honestly, I don’t think I would  be as hopeful at His passing if it weren’t for the constant reminder of the Truth every Sunday and by my church family.  While I’m hopeful, my hope is firmly placed in the God who seeks each one of us out and has provided a way through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. 

I’m grateful that each and every Sunday we’re reminded that there is a loving heavenly Father who longs for us to know Him and for us to be saved by simply believing and trusting in what Christ has done for us. I’m grateful for my New City church family that encourages me and spurs me on to share the hope of Jesus with others. 

BELIEVER, prioritize church. Prioritize Sunday mornings. Prioritize gathering with your church family. Prioritize gathering with your MC. The world is too distracting and we are way too forgetful. 

UNBELIEVER, come and hear the hope, promise, and truth of Jesus and the good news of how He saved us and offers us forgiveness. Know that if you walk through the doors of New City Church, you will be warmly welcomed because Christ has warmly welcomed and invited all to come to know Him. 


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