Children and the Church

I have been Children’s Director for about two and a half years. One of those years was 2020 so I’m not sure that one even counts. (Just kidding!) Even in my short tenure, it can be easy at times to get caught up in the week-to-week tasks and forget why this work matters. Days like this past Sunday serve as a beautiful reminder that God cares for children and is calling the littlest ones among us to himself.

In case you missed it, 5-year-old Micaiah was baptized on Sunday. It was so exciting to see her publicly declare her love for and faith in Jesus. Later that morning, I found out little Ava (4 years old) placed her trust in Jesus as her Savior last week. Her mama told me that God has been working on her heart for a while now, and she has been so excited to share the news that she is now a follower of Jesus! Isn’t that amazing? 

Both of these were sweet evidence of the work God is doing among us in redeeming the lost. Two little girls have been brought into the family of God. They were once dead in sin, but through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, they are made righteous and adopted into the family of God. What kindness He has shown in bringing these precious girls to himself at such a young age, so that they will be able to walk with him almost their whole lives! This is why we do kids’ ministry. It is a privilege for New City to play a part in God’s redemptive work in the lives of these little ones, by partnering with parents, the primary disciplers, to support them as they raise their children to love and follow Jesus. 

Children are a gift from God to our church. Do you see them that way? They are, God willing, the future of the Church. How are you investing in the children at New City? Or, if you don’t attend New City, at your own church? If we are a family, if you have ever attended a parent-child dedication and made a covenant with parents to help them as they disciple their kids, then you have a part to play. 

An obvious way, of course, is to serve in our classes on Sunday mornings. Even with almost 100 volunteers, we still have many spots available. You do not need to feel “called” to work with children to serve with our kids. You simply need to be willing and able to help (and to pass a background check!). If you can’t commit to a monthly spot, we have a list of alternate volunteers that fill in as needed. Let me know if you’d like to serve!

But there are other ways you can invest in the lives of the children at New City. Here are some suggestions:

  • Offer to babysit so young parents can have a night out. Take the time to get to know the kids and build relationship with them. (Bring treats if mom and dad approve, and those kids will never forget you!)

  • If you’re not in an MC, find one with kids. Hold a baby while parents make plates for older kids or while they eat their own dinner. Sit at the kids table. Play with the children. Ask them what they enjoy doing. Talk to them about Jesus. If you’re in an MC with kids and haven’t been doing these things, start now.

  • Buy a book from our Kids & Family Resource Shelves as a gift for a family. We are very intentional in the books that we choose, so you’re sure to find a good one!

  • If a young parent asks you to disciple him/her, say yes! By investing in the parent, you are also investing in his/her children.

Most importantly, PRAY. Pray for the children at New City to come to know and love Jesus and spend their lives pointing others to him. Pray for parents to have wisdom and grace in discipling their children. Pray that unchurched families would come to New City, hear the gospel and believe, and become a part of this family. Pray that the gospel would transform everything within our reach, even the youngest hearts. They need the good news just as much as we adults do!


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