More Than Just Preference

Sunday mornings have changed for a lot of us haven’t they? For most folks it has changed from getting dressed up and going to service to staying in and staying in our pj’s. Instead of singing with a room full of voices we hear our own quite clearly. Instead of listening to someone preach in person we now watch a talking head on a screen. 

For some it’s been nice. There’s no stress of getting everyone fed and dressed on time. Service can be viewed from bed or maybe while eating a nice breakfast. I mean, who doesn’t like this Sunday routine? So now the question is: Is all the fuss worth it? Is all the fuss worth gathering together on Sunday mornings? My answer is a resounding YES!!

Sunday mornings are important. It’s a time to gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ to rehearse and remember the gospel of Jesus Christ, His life, death, and resurrection. We welcome and are welcomed warmly by church family. We sing through the gospel. We hear others around us singing His truths. We listen to scripture and the gospel preached. We leave reminded and encouraged that we are redeemed ambassadors called to love and share the good news of Jesus with others. Scripture reminds us of the importance of Sunday mornings.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.    Hebrews 10:24-25

The desire to gather on Sundays isn’t just a personal thing. It isn’t a preference. It’s a rightful desire given by our Lord and Creator to gather as a family. I’m grateful for technology and how we’ve been able to stream our Sunday morning services at home. And I’m sure folks have been enjoying staying in their pj’s and maybe even having breakfast/brunch whilst viewing the service. (I mean who wouldn’t?!) But, let’s not forget we were created as physical beings. Let’s remember the importance of Sunday morning gatherings. We were made to interact with one another face to face. We were created with that inner desire to physically be with someone. If you don’t agree just remember Tom Hanks and his “friend” Wilson…Need I say more?

We’ve been doing this online church thing for a solid three months now and the temptation will be to sleep in and stay at home. “It’s not worth the fuss. It’s worked so far, why not keep it up?” Brothers and sisters, it is worth it. You need this. I need this. We NEED this! 

No matter what the government decides in regards to guidelines, there will be those who agree and those who disagree. Whatever side you fall on, know there is no condemnation. No matter which side you are on, know that you are loved dearly. The purpose of this blog is by no means to condemn anyone. Rather, the purpose of this blog is to remind us of the importance of gathering as a family and what we are called and created to do. 

There WILL be a time when guidelines will be lifted. The temptation will arise to just stay at home on Sundays. It’s safe. It’s easy. There’s less hassle. I want to challenge you with this: Where is your heart? What are you believing about yourself right now? What are you believing about God right now? Is He still in control or is everything riding on your shoulders? Is Sunday morning about your ease and comfort? As we’ve heard at the beginning of all of this, this pandemic is not creating problems, it’s just revealing misbeliefs or sins that were always there and bringing them to the surface more quickly. 

Do we go to Sunday gatherings because it’s always easy? Do we go because it’s always convenient? Or do we go because God has called us to gather as family? As we’ve slowly began to safely and responsibly gather on Sundays, I can truly see what a gift it is for God’s people to gather and to hear voices resonating the name of Jesus. It has been so so good. Admittedly, I sometimes take it for granted. Remember, we need this! As humans we are really good at talking ourselves into or out of things. Prayerfully examine what you’re believing right now. Ask yourselves these questions and answer honestly. Remember: We are made to gather. We are made for community. We are made to be family. 


Biblical Reasons for Removing Statues


The Idol of Routine and the Illusion of Control