Loaves and Fish

by Amanda Christopher

I am the Children’s Director at New City. I didn’t go to school to be in vocational ministry. I didn’t really even get this job on purpose. I have a good friend who has been in children’s ministry for almost 15 years, and I joke with her often that she’s a “real” Children’s Director while I’m an unqualified impostor!

I really am joking about the impostor part, but I do often feel like I am very unqualified. When I think about the scope of kids’ ministry and what we are trying to accomplish, I can feel overwhelmed - surely someone else would do a much better job. Sometimes I wonder how God could possibly use me to accomplish his mission for New City Kids and the world.

I imagine I’m not alone in this feeling. God calls all believers to a mission that is much greater than ourselves and what we are able to do. Praise God that He is sovereign and able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine!

But, God DOES choose to use us, even in our weaknesses and inadequacies, and I find sweet encouragement in the story in John 6 where Jesus feeds the multitude. It’s familiar to many of you, I’m sure, but here’s a recap. 

Jesus is sitting with his disciples and looks up to see a huge crowd of people coming toward him. Jesus asks Philip, “Where can we buy bread to feed these people?” Philip basically says there’s no way they can afford to feed them. Andrew then mentions a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fish, and you can almost sense that he’s being sarcastic since that’s nowhere near enough. 

Jesus has the crowd sit down, he takes the bread and fish, gives thanks, and begins passing them out. The bread and fish never run out. In fact, after everyone has eaten their fill, the disciples collect twelve whole baskets of leftovers. 

This is a miracle, no doubt. It’s an incredible demonstration of Jesus’ power. But one thing I notice is that Jesus started with a boy’s lunch. 

Jesus is the creator of the universe! We read this is Colossians 1:16-17: “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

He made everything out of nothing. On that day with that crowd, He could’ve said, “Let there be bread and fish,” and there would’ve been bread and fish. But He took what the little boy had, multiplied it, and fed probably well over 5,000 people. 

He does the same thing with us and our lives. We don’t have to dwell on our own insufficiencies or weaknesses, because He is able to take our efforts and multiply them. All we have to do is be obedient, and trust that He will be faithful to bring about fruit. I don’t have to worry about whether or not I’m really qualified for the role I’m in. New City Kids belongs to the Lord. He will accomplish his purposes for it, and by His grace, I pray He will continue to use me! 

In your own life, if thinking about living as a missionary intimidates you, remember this. You don’t have to be the next Billy Graham with a huge platform. You don’t have to go to seminary or have answers to all the questions someone might ask you. You just have to make yourself ready and available to be a part of God’s work. 

You can share the gospel, start a DNA group, reach out to someone you’ve been praying for, start a conversation with someone you know isn’t a believer, figure out a way to serve, be available to listen when someone you know is struggling… 

Pay attention to what God is calling you to do, do it with all your might, and trust that God will work. He will!


God is in the Details


I Forgive You