A Team of Liturgists

Each week New City church gathers on Sunday mornings. That is not just another meeting. Rather, it’s a privilege and opportunity to remember. It’s an opportunity to start the week off remembering the most important, life-changing story that ever existed. It’s an opportunity to remember who God is and what He’s done for us. It’s an opportunity to remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s an opportunity to sing in response to what He’s done for us. It’s an opportunity to hear our brothers and sisters around us sing truth with conviction. 

In our rapidly changing, increasingly distracted world, we NEED this. With everything that has happened with the year 2020 and the election right around the corner, without a shadow of doubt we need to be reminded that God is still sovereign and in control, that Christ is our only Savior who brings true, everlasting hope, peace, and joy. 

The Gospel story, Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration, is what we as New City major on. Each service is planned to tell the this beautiful story from start to finish. Scriptures guide the things we say in order to tell beautiful and wonderful truths God has revealed to us. Songs are discernibly chosen as a response to this glorious good news. 

At New City, we have a team of writers or Liturgists who help plan our Sunday gatherings. Each week our Liturgists prayerfully write and plan Sunday mornings to tell the story of the Gospel. I’ve had the privilege of teaching them how to plan and write our Sunday morning liturgies. Each week they write, choose scripture, and choose songs that help to musically communicate who God is and what He has done for us. This is not a task to be taken lightly!  It’s been a beautiful opportunity to grow other worship leaders as well as bring fresh language and perspective to the retelling of the Gospel. We have seen such beautiful fruit from this. Personally, it’s been so fulfilling as a worship leader and I know it’s been so edifying for New City Church. I love our Liturgy team and their heart for leading people in singing the name of Jesus. 

That being said, I just wanted to reserve this blog to say a HUGE THANK YOU to each of them: 


Lindsey Hoyt


Heather Perrin


Alex Minter


Mariah Gandy


Amanda Christopher


Adam Crosby


They put in a lot of prayer and hard work each week planning and writing liturgy. I’m grateful for their willingness to learn and grow. I’m grateful for their leadership and love for the church. Most of all I’m grateful we have a Savior that is completely worthy of all our praise and worship! 


A Letter to New City Church on Politics and the Kingdom.


If Not Republican or Democrat, then Who?