A Letter to New City Church on Politics and the Kingdom.

Dear New City Family,

Recent months have been incredibly difficult – COVID-19, business shutdowns, racial strife, protests turning into riots and the most divisive presidential race that I can remember.  Amid this brokenness and despair stands us, the church.  God has placed us here as His Kingdom to be a beacon of hope, light in darkness. We are His Kingdom present, a counter-cultural Kingdom following Him, our King.

I want you to know that, sadly some have left New City Church because of politics and positions on cultural issues.  A church attendee or member’s social media post supporting a position or candidate that differs from their own was too uncomfortable.  A pastor’s statement in a sermon or perhaps in a blog post was not supportive of their position and it was more than they could take. 
The church is too liberal. 
The church is too conservative. 
The pastor should say more. 
The pastor should say less.
The pastor should say _________________ (what I think).

We are a diverse church.  Our diversity in color may not be what we would like for it to be, but the diversity of those who gather with us is amazing.  Regularly among us are those who have had little or no church or religion in their past.  We have very new believers, and we have very seasoned believers, some who once served as pastors and missionaries.  Gathered with us are the wealthy and some of the most impoverished. We have couples with lots of children and couples who are not sure they want any children.  We have cat people and dog people and even reptile people.  We have Macon natives and people from all over our country and even other countries.  We have black people and white people. We have Asians and Hispanics.  We have Southern Baptists and Lutherans, Catholics and Presbyterians to go with our Charismatics, Pentecostals and non-denominationals. We have those who grew up in very stable, traditional homes and those who never knew their father.  We have white families, black families, brown families and families who are black and white and brown all together.

I think it is beautiful. These are the people Jesus died for.  These are the people he will return for.  These are the people who will fill the new Earth, his coming Kingdom.  These are the people who make up His Kingdom present, now.  Is it any wonder, with all that diversity, that we also have a diversity of political and social opinions?

As beautiful as that diversity is, I have to tell you, leading in it is often difficult!  I (and the elders) have been accused of being too liberal and leaving the Bible, too conservative and leaving the Bible and even had some people frustrated because I seemed to be too vague and hold no position.  I struggle hearing those things, family.  I do not struggle in the sense that it feels like a personal attack.  I struggle with it as the lead pastor of New City Church because I want US to be the church that Jesus would have us be.  I struggle with it because I want US to stand firmly in the gospel and represent well our King. 

How do we assess how we are doing?  Is it by the number of social media posts that are conservative vs the number that are liberal, republican vs democrat?  Is it based on where people stand on issues like Roe v Wade, statues being removed, social justice or immigration?  All of those are hot button issues and all of them are connected to this presidential election in one way or another.  While all of them can be connected to our faith in various ways, I am certain that social media posts and conversations had or overheard are not the best assessment.  The question is not what are we saying or posting. It is “What are we doing?”  James said that faith without works is not faith at all!  Talking about what is “good” or “best” or most Christian is one thing, but doing what is good or best or most Christian is another.  The Kingdom of God present is not a Kingdom to simply be talked about; it is a Kingdom to be lived out. 

So how are we really doing?

In our diversity we have people who will vote for Biden, people who will vote for Trump, people who will vote for someone else and people who will not vote.  If you listen to the world, and we all sometimes do, you would be led to believe that those who would vote for Trump are against women, minorities, and the impoverished.  You would also be led to believe that those who will vote Biden want to see unborn babies die, religious freedoms taken away and traditional families destroyed.

When I consider all that is going on in and through you, New City, I do not see that at all!

  • I see a church investing in equipping our women to lead in the church, at home and in the world.  I see a church encouraging women to step into leadership roles in almost every area of the church.  I have never been a part of a church who invested in and valued the women of the church more than I see at New City.

  • I see church who not only cares about the unborn but who cares immensely for life at all ages and stages.  Our people serve at Covenant Care an adoption agency.  They work and serve at Caring solutions, delivering services, and caring for women and their partners with unplanned pregnancies.  Our people have partnered with the Department of Family and Children Services taking on numerous projects in their offices, providing clothing, beds, toys and other materials to children and families as there are needs and we have multiple families who have fostered adopted children through DFCS.  Our people are also so good to care for and meet the needs of many less fortunate around us.  Our people have provided abundantly for the needs of many impacted by COVID-19.  We have helped people find work, find decent places to live and provided for their needs.  We have housed and cared for the sojourner among us when that was needed.

  • Our people not only talk about justice but strive themselves to be just and to help others see where justice is needed. Many of our family have stood up for racial injustice and marched in local marches.  As a church we have hosted and invited the public to several discussion on race.  We are working to partner with predominantly black churches. We regularly speak out against racism.

  • Our families value religious freedom.  They value the opportunities that we have to gather together regularly, to pray openly and the freedom that we have to gather in homes and parks and public spaces, and we do all of those things.

  • When it comes to valuing the family, it is not hard to see that New City does!  We have children, lots of children!  Many of our families are large.  Many of our families are mixed with some children being biological, others being adopted.  But what you might not know and see is how our people fight to support one another in marriage.  I can tell you there are MCs who have wept and prayed and worked to save marriages in trouble.  There are elders who have done the same and continue praying and fighting for the family.

New City, I could go on and on about the things that I know of and there are probably that many more things that I do not know of.  When I assess how we are doing by what we are doing rather than our candidate of choice, I am unbelievably encouraged, and I want you to be encouraged, too.  Regardless of political persuasions you are being the church, the Kingdom present in our fallen world.  When I see that and consider the accusations that we are too conservative or too liberal, I kindly disagree.

I urge you, family, keep believing the gospel.  Keep seeking to live in the light of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  Keep serving.  Keep giving.  Keep loving like you are loved.  Be the aroma of Christ.  And be encouraged in this ridiculous political storm: God is at work in us and through us, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents.

I have one final encouragement: as a family, assume the best of one another. As I mentioned before, not everyone will vote the way you will. Rather than being judgmental or thinking poorly of that person you know is voting differently than you, give them the benefit of the doubt. Trust that their decision has been made prayerfully and with conviction. Do not let this election be a source of bitterness with any brother or sister.

Grace and Peace to you and through you,



Our God Who Draws Near


A Team of Liturgists