You Might Want to Click This

Millions of apps and websites work hard at trying to harness the power of social media. With over 3.2 billion people currently connected to the internet; it doesn’t take much imagination to understand why social media is one of the most influential forces in the world.

Facebook alone has approx. 2.5 billion users with 1.62 billion people using it daily. Those are massive, mind-boggling numbers for a single social media app and most social media users utilize multiple platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube. Never before in the history of mankind has information been as readily available as…a single click.

You and I may primarily use social media to share pictures of our lives, political opinions, or our latest creative meal…but for those of us who use social media, what if we saw it as a regular rhythm of our lives. What are some ways that the Gospel may speak directly into that rhythm?

Here’s one way.

On Sunday, Chris Brett shared at New City Milledgeville, that you can do a Watch Party on Facebook when we are streaming the service. A simple click of a button shares the service, and the multiplication of viewers is staggering. This is something that a few of us have been doing off and on over the past few months to watch the analytics of the effectiveness of this. I want to share something with you from this past Sunday.

824 people clicked the post
798 people clicked to play the video
515 people watched the service for at least 3 seconds or longer
280 people had our service show up on their Timeline
6 people liked the video
1 person commented on the video
1 person shared the video
26 people clicked to find out more about New City

Now, look at all of those people that had the opportunity to hear the Gospel sung, framed in the liturgy, and preached. That's the power of just a few people doing a Watch Party. This is a free and easy way to participate in spreading the Gospel in Middle Georgia, and well beyond!

Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Watching a service streamed will never be as powerful and communal as actually participating in the life of the body of the Church. But it is an incredible opportunity to put the message of the Gospel in the hands of someone that you may never meet…with a single click. And perhaps, it might just be the encouragement someone needs to try Church again.

This Sunday, I encourage you to click on the Watch Party button on New City Church Milledgeville or Macon's service and participate in an easy way to help spread the Good News of Jesus!


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