You Are Sent

If you have been with us these past few Sundays, you may have noticed something different at the end of our gathered worship. Instead of saying “You are dismissed” we began saying, “You are sent.” Why the change? Does that even matter? Should I really read this blog over this tiny change where in which I’m usually just focused on what I’m going to eat for lunch? The answer is a resounding Yes! It does matter!

Every Sunday at New City we gather with our church family to be reminded and encouraged by the Gospel. We sing the gospel. We hear the gospel. We preach the gospel. This is a gloriously crucial time in our week. It opens our eyes to God’s big story and how our lives, our stories, are part of that story. 

Let’s face it, we are a forgetful people. I’m lucky if I remember what I did yesterday! We need to be continually reminded of the saving grace of Jesus that impacts every area of our lives. God in His sovereignty created all things and called it good. We rebelled and sought our own glory. Because of this rebellion we deserved punishment, we deserved death. Yet, in love and kindness Jesus took on flesh and lived the perfect life we never could, died and took the punishment of the cross and God’s wrath we so rightly deserved, and rose to life so we could be transformed and made right with the Father. Now, He calls us His own.Think about it: we were sworn enemies, deserving of God’s wrath, and He extends His hand of grace and mercy through Jesus to be called sons and daughters. He gives us a completely new identity, calling us to go and spread this good news.

“You are sent” is said at the end of service as reminder that in Christ we are a new creations and in Christ we are transformed and given the identity of missionary. If you are a believer, you are called to spread the gospel in every part of your life…when your at home with the family, when your at work, when your out with friends. There is no part of your life that isn’t affected by the gospel. Remember, you are completely, fully transformed. You are an ambassador for Christ. You are sent. 

 - inspired by Designed to Lead by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck


Its Time to End Our Double Lives


Same Message, Different Methods