My God Did Not Fail

by Amanda Christopher

Last week, we posted a video of some of our band members covering the song The Story I’ll Tell, by Maverick City Music. The first verse says this:

The hour is dark
And it’s hard to see
What you are doing
Here in the ruins
And where it will lead.

Oh but I know
That down through the years
I’ll look on this moment
And see your hand on it
And know you were near.

I’m sure these words resonate with many after the year we have had, and we know there are still hard days ahead. In the midst of suffering and trials, when we are grieving and burdened, it can be really difficult to see what good God could possibly bring out of our brokenness.

But we can’t look at the big story we see in scripture without recognizing that throughout redemptive history, God has been forming beauty from brokenness. We see it all throughout the bible, but most ultimately displayed in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. 

Jesus was the perfect, sinless Messiah. He didn’t deserve to die, to be beaten and mocked. His death was the most terrible and seemingly hopeless moment in all of history. He was supposed to be the Rescuer! How could the Rescuer die?

But this was always God’s plan- to bring about our redemption in the most unexpected way, through the death and resurrection of his own Son. And in that same way He uses the most tragic and painful events of our lives to accomplish His purpose in us – transforming us more into the image of the One who gave Himself up for us.

This rescue plan is beautiful, and it’s not over. This is our hope in the midst of suffering – that our pain is momentary. That it is used by a loving Father for our good and His glory. That it is nothing compared to what we know is coming. That through the pain, though it is at times unbearable, our God doesn’t fail. He never has, and He never will.

I’ll testify of the battles you’ve won,
How you were my portion
When there wasn’t enough.
I’ll testify of the seas that we’ve crossed
The waters you’ve parted,
The waves that I’ve walked. 

Oooh, My God did not fail
Oooh, It’s the story I’ll tell
Oooh, I know it is well
Oooh, It’s the story I’ll tell


Lord, Teach Us to Pray…


Pursuing the Jesus Who First Pursued Us