Who Am I?
Mother. Father. Brother. Sister. Mechanic. Engineer. Pilot. Attorney. Chef. These are all identities that we live out based on what we do. Sometimes our identity is formed based on things we have done in our past - wild child, drunkard, womanizer, promiscuous, cheater, adulterer, thief. Often we bear the heavy weight of an identity based on things done to us - abused, beaten, raped, victim. These identities define us, shape us, mold us - for good and bad. Living up to or with these identities is often more than we can bear - we are conflicted and burdened and sometimes left unfulfilled.
I have good news. In Christ our identity is changed - redefined - made new. The Apostle Paul said it this way, " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come,"( II Corinthians 5:17). When we become followers of Christ, trusting in the good news of the Gospel, everything changes! The old me is gone and Jesus makes me new - a new creation. THIS changes everything!
"Who Am I" isn't isn't answered by my job, by what I do, by what I have done, or by what has been done to me - "Who Am I" is answered by the work of Jesus - the Gospel!
Join us beginning this Sunday, May 18 for a new, New City Church sermon series - Identity, as we dig deep into the good news of the Gospel and understand who we are in Jesus and what that means for our fears, anxieties, and everyday living.