What Color is Your Library? (Cont'd)


Last week, Pastor Keith wrote this post about his desire to see more diversity in his personal library and our book selection at New City. With that in mind, he recommended Fear & Faith by Trillia Newbell as a resource specifically for our women. Trillia is an incredibly godly, gospel-focused black woman who has so much wisdom to offer, and this book was so encouraging to me.

In Fear & Faith, Trillia addresses many of the most common fears women face: fear of man, the future, other women, tragedy, not measuring up, physical appearance, and sexual intimacy. I believe every woman can identify with one, if not most of these fears. I know I can. She clearly explains how these fears manifest themselves in our lives, and how the gospel helps us fight back. Each chapter is filled with loving, truth-filled reminders of what God has done and what that means for us.

Honestly, this is probably one of those books I could read every year as a refresher! We will have a limited supply available for purchase at the bar this Sunday for $5. Get a copy and I’m sure you won’t regret it. This would also be a great book to read through with other women. If we run out before you get one, they’re less than $10 on Amazon right now. (Be sure to support New City by going through AmazonSmile!)

Another great reason to give this book a read is that we’ve invited Trillia to speak at a New City Women’s Conference next spring! We are working through details but will let you all know as soon as we have a date. It is sure to be a great event. To read more about Trillia and her other books, visit her website here.  


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