The Missionary God and His Missionary People
Last week our New City students had the opportunity to go to Radius Camp in Auburn, AL. I want to say a huge thank you to our leaders that went as well as the staff of Radius Camp for serving and putting on these camps. It was such an awesome week of learning and growing for all of us, leaders included! Relationships were strengthened between our students. We saw many of the students getting out of their comfort zone and opening up. I’ve heard more than once, “Wow! I didn’t know he/she was so fun and bubbly!.”
The theme of the week was “The Missionary God and His Missionary People.” From the very beginning of time, God was missional. Though we turn from Him, He pursued us and our hearts. That pursuit was ultimately exemplified through Christ taking on flesh and stepping down into creation. He lived a perfect life and bore our punishment on the cross. He rose victoriously from the grave. He did all that to save those who would believe. He was missional.
Each day we had the privilege of serving different local ministries in the area. Part of our team served at New Birth ministries and the others served at Big House ministry. New Birth ministries helped those who were coming out of substance abuse and addiction, providing housing and programs to help. Our students helped organize piles of donated clothes as well as do yard work. They were able to sit and listen to their testimonies of God’s faithfulness and missionary heart. Some of our students even shared their testimonies as well. Big House ministry helps provide clothing, toys, and school supplies to foster families. Although stipends are given to foster families, often times it isn’t enough. Big House serves by receiving donations from the community and providing for the needs of children in foster care. We were able to organize tons of clothes they had as well as do some much needed yard work.
I was so encouraged by everyone’s attitudes and willingness to serve. It was extremely hot, yet our students continued to step in and serve without the slightest complaint…well, maybe a little bit…but not much! :) I’m very proud of our students and the work that was done.
Our students’ eyes were opened to the fact that we are disciples called to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20). If you are a Christian, being a missionary is not an option. As school starts back up with different clubs, classes, and sports, each student picked one person in mind they were going to share the gospel with. Would you pray for our students? Pray that God would continue to grow them in seeing what it means to be a missionary right where they are. Pray that they would be continually reminded of God’s love and His missionary character. Pray that our students’ eyes would be open to the opportunities to share the gospel with their friends.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. ”