The Journey of 'The Dream'


We are looking to put together an art show that honors "The Dream"… Martin Luther King, Jr made "The Dream" famous in his 1963 speech, but the reality is that the dream wasn't first his. It was a dream that would become a reality through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, whereby the dividing wall between the races was once and for all brought down.

Its true we don’t yet see, in full, the unity that has been purchased, but we do see glimpses of it! And many of those glimpses we see here, in New City Church.

Help us fill the walls of The 567 with photographic evidence of the grace of God toward his people!  Take some photos, bring some photos, help show our city what is possible because of Jesus!  The photo above is an example of change - Pastor Lawrence Robinson marrying a New City Couple in a beautiful, public ceremony here in Macon.


Call for Artists

The 567 is currently seeking entries for their January exhibit, “Black & White.” In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, “Black & White” will feature black and white photography that explores modern-day issues of race and equality. Dr. King was an instrumental part of the Civil Rights movement that has far reaching implications for not just African-Americans, but for all races. “Black & White” may include photos that celebrate these accomplishments for all races or that address the challenges that racial minorities still face. The 567 plans to feature amateur photographers alongside professionals, so even high-quality cell phone photography may be included. Anyone who is interested in participating must e-mail a JPEG of their work to Beth Smith (, along with their name, title of piece, and phone number, no later than December 15.

Guidelines:-One to three photos per photographer may be submitted. Depending on space available, all or some of the photos may be used. The curator has the right to exclude any photo from the exhibit based on artistic quality, whether the guidelines were followed, and/or space available.-Any images submitted may be used online for advertising the exhibit.-Photo should be PG-13 (no nudity).-Photo must be framed and ready to hang upon delivery to the gallery. No sawtooth hangers. The curator has the right to exclude a photo from the exhibit if it is not properly framed.-Artwork may be made available for purchase if the photographer chooses. If interested, the photographer should include the price of the piece with their submission. The 567 will receive a 25% commission for any artwork sold during the exhibit.-Work should be dropped off on Dec. 29, between 11 am and 4 pm, for hanging. All work will remain on display until January 30. Work should be picked up between 11 am and 4 pm on January 30. If you are unable to come during the designated drop-ff and pick-up times, you should e-mail ahead of time to make other arrangements.-All photographers are encouraged to attend the opening reception of the exhibit on First Friday, January 2, 6-9 


Continuing the Mission from Downtown


What if There Were a God, and He Loved a City?