The Call to Lead: Connect Team

This is Part 5 of our The Call to Lead series. You can find Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here.

Over the past couple of months, the staff and elders have been working hard to develop leadership pipelines for all of our areas of ministry at New City Church. In case you aren’t aware of what I am talking about, go back and read through the previous blog posts in this series (links above). Essentially, leadership pipelines are the systems in place where disciples are developed for various levels of leadership within and outside of the church. The goal is to develop Christian leaders, not only for the church, but also for the world who are equipped and capable to lead as Jesus would lead in all of life.

Leadership Development

We believe that every leadership position should be a temporary role. Leaders should always be looking for and developing future successors. Jesus calls us to “make disciples”, to help other grow and mature to be more like Jesus in all of life. For the Connect Team, as we think about leadership development, our development of people will be equipping them to be Christ-like servant-leaders wherever they are. We want to help develop people to be like Christ in the workplace, in their schools, at home as a spouse or parent, or as a single person. Wherever God has placed our people we want them to live the servant led lifestyle that Jesus modeled.

Our pipeline for all of our ministries at New City looks like this:

As we develop people into Christ-like leaders, it will be a progression that models this pipeline.

Connect Team Pipeline

For the Connect Team, we already have many people who are helping to lead in so many ways. We want to formalize our leadership process in a way that everyone can see the natural progression for leadership. We desire for every Connect Team member to know what it would look like for them to move into a new leadership role within their team; along with that, we want them to be receiving training to be ready to move into a new role.

Our Connect Team Pipeline looks like this:

We already have Volunteers, Team Leaders, and a Ministry Leader but we will be introducing Area Leaders over the next few months. There will be three Area Leaders for each team: 1) a Parking Lead, 2) a Greeting Lead, and 3) a Coffee Bar Lead. These positions will be for people who want to lead a few people in a specific area. They will be helping to teach the roles and responsibilities within a particular area as well as train them how to see and develop new leaders. Our goal here is not to create great leaders so our ministries look great and function well (though we believe our teams are great!), our goal is to train and equip Godly disciple-makers who will be great leaders in all of life.

Imagine what it would be like if every believer modeled the life of Christ wherever they eat, work, and play. How amazing would it be for the outside world if we all lived a servant-led life where we truly desired to see others succeed and grow more than we desire our own promotions and gratifications? What a great apologetic for the gospel it would be if we were excited when others succeeded or when others received promotions or raises. I believe this is the life of servant-leadership that Christ has called us to, within and outside of the church. I am so excited for what is happening in and through New City and we are expecting God to do great things in the coming days! If you have any questions or are interested in serving with us or stepping into a leadership role within the Connect Team, please contact me by email. I cannot wait to hear from you and to see what God is going to do through you in the coming days!


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The Call to Lead: New City Music