Taking What We Do For Granted...

Not every church preaches the Bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter. Not every church even preaches the Bible!  I have listened to more than one or two sermons where a passage was read from the Bible, some stories shared and a prayer was had with no explanation or connection to what was read from the Bible. 

I received an email from one of our New City folks and below is part of that email. It is a great reminder that what we enjoy here at New City every week doesn't happen everywhere.

I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the way you all set up the preaching plan. I was talking with a friend in Oklahoma last week and he mentioned he's had a real difficult time finding a church that preaches through the Bible. I think I'm so used to you all picking a book and working through it that I take it for granted sometimes. So thank you.

Our regular preaching pattern at New City is to preach from an Old Testament book followed by a topical sermon series where we address certain topics like marriage, family, mission,... or a holiday. This is followed by the preaching of a New Testament book and that by another topical or holiday series.  Longer books of the Bible, like the book of Acts, are often divided into sections. One section may be preached and followed with another sermon series either topical or from another book before coming back to the original longer book. Over time we will cover every book of the Bible and address additional needs through short, topical sermon series.

So now you know, there is a method to our madness! We really are seeking to teach the whole counsel of God.


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