Still Dreaming in Milledgeville
Buffingtons, where it all began. (photo by
In the Summer of 2010 God opened several doors with New City Church which allowed us to focus in on planting our second New City Church, New City Church, Milledgeville. We had been praying about Milledgeville, visiting Milledgeville and working with a couple of families and several students at GCSU toward a church plant there. We all felt strongly that there was a great need for a gospel-centered church like New City there.
In the Fall of 2010 with a small core group of people and a big dream to see God change lives in Milledgeville, we launched! Our first gatherings took place at Buffingtons, downtown. That location was short-lived as it was evident that there wasn’t enough space for the many people coming to worship Jesus and hear the gospel. New City Church Milledgeville was doing just what we dreamed.
Through those first years the church was deeply involved through our Missional Communities in the life of Milledgeville. New City was an active part of seeing downtown Milledgeville’s revival. We served the city well by not only participating in many of the events in the downtown area, but also by serving. As we served and loved our city, the gospel continued to advance and the church continued to grow.
Through the years we have seen God do incredible things in the lives of people. We have seen brokenness mended and marriages healed. We have seen many salvations and witnessed dozens of baptisms as people come to love and follow Jesus – just as we dreamed.
That dream isn’t over. There is still a great many people who need to know the grace and mercy of God, who need to hear the beautiful message of redemption and restoration in Christ, people who need the gospel.
Andy has resigned. There is the loss of a pastor and a friend. Loss is difficult.
But the mission, the dream isn’t tied to that person. It is tied to the person and work of Jesus. It is tied to the countless people in Middle Georgia who still need Him. Because of this, we are committed to continue the work in Milledgeville, to roll up our sleeves and do the extra work of moving forward.
Patrick McConnell is shifting some of his Macon responsibilities to me and to others so that he can be much more involved weekly in Milledgeville. He will begin leading the gospel charge in Milledgeville as the Interim Pastor immediately. While he lives in Macon, much of his time and attention will be in Milledgeville. Patrick was already involved with Missional Community leaders and training in Milledgeville and will continue that role. He has also began working with leaders to implement many of things discussed in Milledgeville’s Strategic Planning meetings for Sunday mornings. Patrick will share the preaching responsibilities in Milledgeville with Pastor Lawrence Robinson from Macon freeing Patrick up to be involved in many of those Sunday morning details.
We believe that there is still much to see God do in Milledgeville and we want to see it!
But we can’t do it without you guys. We need your help to reach Milledgeville with the gospel – friends, family, coworkers, students… We need you to dream with us – to dream of what God might do in and through a people who truly desired to help others live in light of the gospel – to dream with us of what would change if the gospel really began to transform us, our church, our city and the world.
Then we need you to roll up your sleeves with us.
Join us in serving. We need volunteers for set up and on Sunday morning for coffee, greeting, children’s ministry and music. We need MC Leaders and co-leaders. We need people who love Jesus and want to see Him known and are willing to pray, to give and to serve in order to see that happen.
Would you dream with us?
Would you join us in seeing the dream become a reality?
Would you let Patrick know that you are in? Tell where you or how you can be a part of seeing the gospel transform Milledgeville and beyond.