A New Church Plant is Coming to East Macon

We are excited to announce that in the next few months a new church will launch in Macon!  New City Church is putting together a core launch team for this new church from 2 congregations. New City Church is a 12 year old church plant who has planted 3 other churches.  We have been involved in assessing, training and coaching church planters from all over the country. We believe in church planting.

Over the last year there has been an increasing awareness of and prayer for the need to not only plant new churches from scratch but to REplant existing congregations who are perhaps nearing death. We believe that God is greatly glorified in seeing those dying churches become healthy, vibrant churches with a renewed vision for Him and a renewed passion for His mission. The north American Mission Board defines replanting as “the rescue, redemption and restoration of a church at or near the point of death, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God and the good of the community.”

On Sunday evening, July 12, 2020 the members of Northridge Baptist Church voted to merge their congregation with New City Church, bringing to a close decades of existence and ministry as Northridge Baptist in East Macon to replant as a new church in their facilities at 2360 Gray Highway in Macon. We’ll be sharing more of this incredible story in the days to come!  We are amazed at the work God has done thus far in bringing this about and cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

If you are interested in being a part of this new church work, email Joey Olivier.
We would love to have you join us!


Let the Little Children Come to Me


Parenting Teens in 2020