Soap Box Racer Steps Out of Retirement After 22 Years to Race in Magnolia Street Soap Box Derby

  Greg Wood, age 13 in 1992 with his Soap Box Derby Car.

When New City Church’s Community Pastor Charlie Colgan prayed and asked God to provide a Soap Box Derby Car for this year’s Magnolia Street Soap Box Derby he had no idea the answer to his prayers would come from a fellow pastor in the church.  “For a couple months, I had been praying and searching the Internet for a Soap Box Derby Car for us to race in the derby this year for New City Church.” said Pastor Colgan.  Then this past Monday night at a leaders' meeting he shared his prayer request with fellow leaders.  Colgan said, “After I shared my prayer request, one of our pastors, Family Pastor Greg Wood said, ‘I know where we can get one.’”  Wood then explained that he used to race them when he was thirteen years old and his mom saved his car in her shed since his racing days in 1992.  Pastor Wood said, “If you want a car, you can use my old car.”  After praising God for His provision of a car, Pastors Colgan and Wood wasted no time. The very next morning they met in Colgan’s garage in North Macon to begin to transform their 1992 time capsule into their 2014 race car.  Pastor Wood said, “The last time I sat in this car, I was thirteen years old.”  Colgan said, “It was like the car was frozen in time, it was in perfect condition.”   They prayed for a car and now they are praying they can beat reigning champs Bearfoot Tavern.  When asked if they hope to win.  Colgan replied, “Bearfoot Taven as won two years in a row.  They are going to be tough to beat, but it would be a great ending to a great story to win the derby for New City Church.”

The Magnolia Street Soap Box Derby is Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Washington Park on Magnolia St. in Macon, GA.  For more information please visit  Members of New City Church will receive a free t-shirt to show their support of the New City Church Race Team on Race Day.


Colgan and Wood getting car ready for 2014 Derby

New City Church's Soap Box Car ready for Saturday's race.


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