Search for a Community and Connections Pastor, Macon

New City Church, Macon is seeking to fill the position of Community and Connections Pastor. Our current Pastor over these areas is taking the Lead Pastor role in our Milledgeville location. This is a full time position and is immediately open.  If you are interested in the position please review the Job description and requirements. If you are interested and qualified, please email any questions and a resume to

Community and Connection Pastor

As a member of the New City Church, Macon elder team, the Community and Connections Pastor will help lead New City Church, Macon to live in light of the gospel, seeing the gospel transform everything within our reach – ourselves, our church, our city and the world in the primary areas of Community and Connection (Assimilation).

Role Summary:
The Community and Connections Pastor role is a divided role:

As the Community Pastor, your role is to help create and foster a sense of gospel-centered family within New City Church, primarily through Missional Communities and events.

As the Connection Pastor, your role is helping visitors and regular attendees become healthy, growing Partners of New City Church.


Primary Responsibilities, Community:

•          Staffing, Equipping, Training, Multiplication and Oversight of New City Church Macon’s Missional Communities in keeping with the mission and vision of New City Church and the elders.

•          Connecting those within New City Church, Macon to a Missional Community.

•          Leading and Overseeing church-wide community building events such as Partner’s dinners, Easter Weekend Picnic, Lake Tobo day… This has included bi-annual Partner’s Dinners, Easter Weekend Picnic and Egg Hunt, and a Summer Lake outing.

Primary Responsibilities, Connections:

•          Staffing, Equipping, Training and Oversight of New City Church, Macon’s Connect Team and assimilation related church information (Next Steps, Missional Communities, Serving, etc.).
The Connect Team includes but is not limited to the following areas: Greeting, Security, Parking, Coffee & Connect Bar, and Visitor Follow Up. The Connect Team primarily covers Sunday morning gatherings but may also be utilized for special events, conferences, and holiday gatherings.  The goal of the Connect Team is to help Connect people to New City Church and ultimately to Jesus.

•          Overseeing New City Classes (membership classes).  This will include scheduling and promotion of New City Classes, making certain that teaching and class materials are in place for classes as well as any related meal. These classes are currently held monthly immediately following our gathering and include lunch.  They are a requirement for Partnership and are open to anyone who wishes to know more about New City.

•          Maintaining an accurate list of New City Church, Macon Partners. 

Reporting & Working Relationships:  The Community and Connections Pastor serves under the authority of the Board of Elders and reports to the Lead Pastor of New City Church, Macon. He will receive pastoral coaching, guidance, counseling and encouragement from the Lead Pastor and on occasion from the Board of Elders.

Qualifications Required: (minimum needed to begin in the job)

•          Fulfill the duties of a New City Church member as outlined in the Partners Covenant
(available at

•          Fulfill the character qualifications of an elder as taught in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9).

•          Fulfill the responsibilities of the Community and Connections Pastor in a way that does not interfere but instead is in line with a devotion to “prayer and ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4).

•          Personal and professional commitment to seeing Jesus’ mission fulfilled through the local church (Matt. 28:18-20, John 20:21, and Acts 1:8)

•          Proven track record in ministry and Biblical discipleship of others at an Elder level.

•          Exhibit discretion, perseverance, patience, flexibility and a sense of humor

•          Humble commitment to continually learn, grow and improve as a pastor in Jesus’ church

•          Commitment to working with a pastoral team for the good of New City Church

•          Able to apply the finished work of Christ through preaching, teaching and counseling to the present day struggles experienced in the community, toward their gospel transformation.

•          A good working knowledge of the Soma Church model for Missional Communities as well as Jeff Vanderstelt’s teaching on “Gospel Fluency” or an ability to quickly learn and apply those personally and in the church.

In addition, a New City Church Pastor must exhibit the essential expected character, be a good chemistry fit with the team, and show clear competence.

In addition to the biblical character descriptions of I Timothy and Titus, a New City Church Pastor must be:

•          Able to take direction and criticism.  We all fail and make mistakes.  Direction and criticism are given for the good and growth of the staff member and for the good and growth of the church.

•          Able to laugh at themselves and have a healthy sense of humor.  This is critical to our staff.  We love to laugh at life and laugh with (and sometimes AT) one another. 

•          A self-starter.  The Community and Connections Pastor must be able to manage time and resources independently and responsibly.  He is expected to set and execute agreed-upon ministry goals. 

•          Persistent. While a strong start is important, shepherding in and toward growth is a process that requires determined and continued attention and effort.

•          A team player.  Must be willing to step in and do whatever needs to be done.  We do not tolerate the statement, “That’s not my job.”  If a light bulb needs to be changed or a toilet unclogged, New City Church Pastors should be willing and prepared to do it.  There are not tasks that are beneath any of us.

It is very hard to quantify chemistry, but it is a non-negotiable.  It is often most recognizable by its absence: when you dread seeing someone, cannot imagine sharing a meal together in your home, or would never want to be stuck in a car with them on a 10-hour drive.  When you are afraid to disagree with them or constantly feel judged by them.  When you don’t trust them to keep a confidence or deal with you fairly.  When you avoid speaking to them at the staff Christmas party.  You get the point.  Lack of chemistry will kill a healthy staff dynamic.

We are currently looking for a Pastor who has:

•          A proven ability to develop community.  The Community and Connections Pastor will be in charge of continuously starting new Missional Community Groups and strengthening existing groups and leaders as well as fostering a general sense of community for the church as a whole.  This person needs to be a natural “connector” of people who deeply values the necessity of fostering relationships in their own life and among others in the church family.

•          A proven ability to develop ministry teams.  The Community and Connections Pastor will be in charge of developing, launching and supporting numerous ministry teams in order to carry out the mission and vision of New City Church on Sunday mornings, during the week, within the church and outside of the church.

•          Clear gifts as a gospel-centered teacher.  The Community and Connections Pastor must be able to communicate and apply the gospel effectively and winsomely to a diversity of both Christians and non-Christians.

•          An ability to apply the gospel in counseling situations.  As with any pastor, they will have ample opportunities to walk with folks through the challenges of their marriages, dating relationships, work struggles, addictions, doubts, etc.

•          An ability to train other leaders in applying the gospel to all areas of life.  It is not enough that the Community and Connections Pastor understands and communicates the gospel well; he must also effectively train other leaders to also communicate and counsel in the gospel.

Salary: $40,000 + depending on experience
Schedule: Sunday - Thursday, plus some Friday and Saturday responsibilities.  Office hours Monday through Thursday 9am – 4pm.
Hours: Full Time, 40-50 hours per week
Vacation: TBD


The Song of Moses


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