
How do we respond to the racial strife, turmoil and divide? How do we respond when it seems that justice is impossible? How do we respond when God seems silent?

Week 1:  The Greatest of These is Love

I Corinthians describes a divided people. And in chapter 13, we find a framework for moving forward.

Week 2:  Where is God?

Sometimes it seems that God has forgotten us, that we are alone. Habakkuk 2 reminds us that God has not left us. He hears our cries and is near, working even in the midst of our hurt, pain and uncertainty.

Week 3.  A Great Time to be the Church.

Pastor Lawrence takes some hints from Esther 4 and calls us to BE the church in this crucial time of need. Our world needs more than color, more than culture. It needs us to live out the realities of the gospel and who we are in Jesus.


To The Ends Of The Earth


Bridging the Racial Divide With a Simple Question