Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Resource

Christmas is such an exciting time of year. There are always special things to do, shopping, fun parties and time with family. It can get pretty busy for families, and intentionally fixing our eyes and hearts on Jesus and what we are really celebrating can be tough. Sometimes it falls to the wayside all together.

I didn’t grow up with any Advent traditions, but as a parent, I see how valuable it is to prepare my own heart, and to help my kids prepare theirs as we approach Christmas. Because Christmas obviously isn’t just about presents, nor is it just about Jesus’ birth. It’s a time for us to consider all that Jesus did through his life, death and resurrection, and to look forward to when he will come again and make all things new. The Light of the World, who came into the night in a stable in Bethlehem, will drive out darkness fully and finally. And until then, we wait, with hopeful anticipation. That is Advent.

We love the Jesus Storybook Bible. While it is of course not a replacement for Scripture, the author is careful to point every story to Jesus, making it a wonderful tool to use with children for Advent. The Jesus Storybook Advent 2019 printable has just been released, and you can download it here. It has a reading plan (and some videos) for each day of December and will help you guide your children to see that the Bible is all one big story about God’s rescue plan that began with a little baby.

If you don’t have a Jesus Storybook Bible, we will have a few for sale on Sunday, Dec. 1 for $10, or you can order it here.


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