Remember, Remember...

“This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Is this song familiar to anyone? It has been engrained in my head ever since college. A friend of mine that served in the college ministry we were a part of would sing this every morning. Whenever we were at retreats or any overnight function, as soon as the sun came up, he would hop out of bed and start singing it over and over again at the top of his lungs while shaking everyone awake. Because of that, to this day I wake up randomly singing that song. 

In many cultures, songs have been used to help tell stories and remember them and pass them down from generation to generation. Songs convey ideas in such a way that help us to remember words and thoughts. One of the many reasons we sing at New City Church is to remember. The best thing that we can remember is the Gospel, the truth of God, the Lord and Creator redeeming and adopting our wandering hearts through the blood of Christ. 

Let’s face it, remembering is hard. How many times in a week do you forget something? Or even, how many times in a day do you forget something? I can tell you that if I don't write something down, I will probably forget. Forgetting is so common that there are numerous phone apps that help us jot down and remember, not to mention the endless wall of daily planners you find at bookstores. 

At New City Church, we gather as a family to remember the gospel. In preaching the word of God, the gospel is presented. Through music, the story of the gospel is presented through Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Songs are filled with the truths of scripture for us as a church to sing them together with one voice. The hope is that these songs would stick in our minds and hearts so that whatever comes our way throughout the week or in life later, we are prepared to respond in such a way that glorifies our Lord Jesus. Whether we just won the lottery or our kids got into the right school or the passing of our loved one, we remember our Sovereign Lord and Creator who continually loves us. We remember our Father who is for us and not against us. We remember our Lord, Jesus and His work on the cross. We remember that we are not alone. We remember our brothers and sisters in Christ. We remember the Holy Spirit that dwells in us richly. We remember that God uses these circumstances to shape us more into the image of Christ. We remember the Gospel. 

We have a Spotify playlist put together for the sole purpose of remembering. The playlist is filled with truth-filled songs that we sing on Sunday mornings at New City. Whether you are commuting to work or winding down at home, or maybe you're having a particularly tough day, listen, learn, and sing these truths and be reminded of who God is, who we are, what He has done for us, and our response.


This next link below will take you to a playlist that changes every week. Each week we sing different songs, some new and some old. To prepare us for Sundays, this playlist was created to help us learn and prepare our hearts to sing together on Sunday mornings. It's hard when we don’t know the songs or aren’t familiar with them. Now we have the opportunity to learn and know the songs we will sing during our gathered worship. We can now come prepared to sing along with our brothers and sisters in Christ, unified through the truths of scripture in song. Create an account and follow this Spotify playlist to prepare every week for gathered worship.  

               NC SUNDAY MORNING

If you want to read more about what our Sundays look like at New City, check out our previous posts on Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration in the link below. 

The Songs We Sing…






Yes, We Will Be Gathering on Christmas Day


The Gospel Isn't a Cul-de-sac