Pop-Up Church is Back!

Have you heard of Pop-up Shops? Here’s a snap shot description of a pop-up shop from Wikipedia:

A pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary: the space could be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves "popping up" one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These shops, while small and temporary, are used by companies to build interest in their product or service, and seed their product with cultural influencers. 

Pop-up shops have been a trend in recent years. Pop-up shops have been used to successfully introduce products and the companies selling them. Pop-ups are attractive because they reach potential new “shoppers” and do so at a low overhead when compared to major marketing campaigns and opening new stores.

So if pop-up shops are successful at reaching people, why not a Pop-Up Church?
Over the summer we asked this question and decided that there was no reason NOT to give Pop-Up Church a shot! So we did. It was a pretty awesome day!
We played games in the park, threw the Frisbee, met a few people, sang songs together, had a short message and sang again. After the day was over we talked and overwhelmingly everyone wanted to do it again… when it cooled off a little.

What are we doing and when?
We’ve picked three dates for this round of Pop-Up Church - September 8, 15, and 22.
At 5:00 pm we’ll gather near the fountain for several songs and a short message. Just like last time.

So - here’s what you can do!
* Mark your calendar and plan to join us. If you can’t make all three nights, pick one or two!
* Pray. Pray for the day, for people to come, for the gospel to go forward, for lives to be changed.
* Invite a friend or family to join you - especially if they are unchurched.
* Help spread the word by sharing our Facebook event.
* Come early and enjoy one of Macon’s most beautiful parks. Bring a ball, a Frisbee, a picnic.
* Meet us near the fountain for a church service at 5:00 pm ready to sing.

What Should We Expect?
Our goal is to reach people with the good news of Jesus, to see them come to love and follow him.
Will that happen?
I have no idea! That’s partly what makes this fun!
I don’t know what people will think or how they will respond.
I do know what to expect if we don’t… NOTHING.
So we will try!
And as we pray and try, we’ll dream of reaching those who don’t know Jesus, helping them meet Him! We’ll imagine what it would be like to grow the Kingdom through afternoons in the park! We’ll look forward to baptisms and baby dedications and new MC Leaders and church elders coming because we tried.
Then… we’ll plan the next one, and we’ll plan a month of Sundays, and we’ll plan pop-ups all over Macon, and why stop in Macon when there are people in places all around us who need the same thing!?
And from them, maybe we’ll plant new churches who do new pop-ups that reach new people and raise new leaders who also plant new churches, that also do new pop-ups… you get it.

We’ll never know if we don’t try!
Come try with us.


What's In A Name?


Staff Opening - Community and Connection Director