It's Time to Plant Again... sort of


It's time.
New City is a Church Planting church. We believe strongly in planting new churches to reach new people with the good news of Jesus.
And it's time... for a 2nd service in Macon.

Yes, a second service. As we have grown, we have quickly maxed out our facilities for one service - we are down to only a few open parking spaces even after cleaning up more parking area next door, our kid's classes are often 110-120% capacity, our main floor worship area (which is packed pretty tight) consistently runs at 75%+ capacity. This is not a surprise. We hoped that this would happen and happen quickly and it has.  So we are aiming for adding a second service January 14, 2018.  Service times will be 9am and 11am - we'll post more on that as we get closer.

Why talk about church planting and scare us all, then talk about a second service...

Because starting a new service is much like planting a new church.

We plant new churches with the goal of reaching new people.
That's the goal of starting a second service - reach people who aren't in church or don't know Jesus!  Adding different service times extends the reach of the church, which opens the possibility of reaching new people.

Planting new churches requires extra work and energy.
Starting a second service will mean that we are stretched in every area for workers. It will require us to do more, or it may just require a few more of us doing.

Planting a new church means there are new people we don't know and some people we don't see as much.
Starting a second service will mean that there are people at New City that we don't see and others that we don't know. While that is a negative in some ways and maybe feels uncomfortable in other ways, it is also a great positive - it means that we are reaching more people!

Our facilities are maxed. That's a great problem!  But it is still a problem. A problem that adding a second service easily making room for us to grow by reaching more people. 
So here's what we need from you, our New City people:

* If you are already serving, THANK YOU!  Keep doing what you do so well!

* If you aren't serving or serve infrequently, we need you. We will begin ramping up our Connect Teams, our Children's Teams (teachers, helpers) and possibly our Tech and Music Teams, if you are able, serve.

* Pray. Pray that New City would continue to reach out to friends, family members, neighbors and coworkers.  Pray that as we do, God would give us opportunity to be a part of seeing those people come to love and follow Jesus AND become a part of our New City family!

* Expect. As we pray, serve and share with those around us, I expect God to do great things. This is after all, His mission. Expect people to come when you invite them, expect non-believers to believe because they hear the gospel and see its transforming power, expect our services to fill again and our MCs to grow and plant new MCs - expect great things from God because seeing those things is His desire.

While we expect growth to slow some over the upcoming holidays, if it doesn't, we could be adding that second service sooner!  Stay tuned.


Mama, the Gospel is for You


Singing Helps Us Feel the Gospel