New City Student Fundraisers!
This Summer our Student MC (youth group) will be taking our 1st youth trip! We will be heading to Auburn, AL to be a part of Radius Camp. The dates will be July 16-20. The theme of this years camp will be, “ The Missionary God and His Missionary People.” Here is an excerpt from their website:
“God is a missionary God. All of history, right up to this moment, he has been on a mission to reclaim the entire world for himself, to save people from all tribes, all tongues, all nations. When we read the Bible, we hear this reality proclaimed through a grand story that is not so much about man trying to find God, but of God coming to man. How amazing is it that this glorious God comes to seek and save the lost. Because of the missional pursuit of Jesus, we are now ‘the people whom God has loved, chosen, redeemed, shaped, and sent into the world in the name of Christ.’ We are his missionary people, and we must live out this mission with urgency, as we await the day when Jesus will return to make all things right and complete the mission to the glory of his Father.”
Our days will be filled with gospel teaching, discussion times, activities, and opportunities to serve and be missional. We are so looking forward to this!!
There are a couple of fundraisers that I wanted to share with you that will help raise funds for camp. Many of our families have multiple students involved in our Student MC who desire to go. For some families it would cost a small fortune to send all of their students to camp. We wanted to help lift that financial burden so that these students have the opportunity to go to camp. Here are the fundraisers we have planned:
Boston Butt Fundraiser - April 28, 2018
We will be holding Boston Butt Fundraiser and the proceeds will go toward helping our students go to camp. Our very own Grill Master Jeff Adams will be cooking on the pit and trust me…it’s going to be DELICIOUS! Boston Butts will be $35 each and can be picked up later in the day from 5:00pm-7:00pm. There will also be a sign up sheet at the bar in our main lobby. After Easter, Students will have sign up sheets as well as tickets for those who purchase from them.
If you want to go ahead and purchase one now, you can make a payment to our PayPal account:
Macon Bacon Game - June 26, 2018
Students will also be selling tickets to a Macon Bacon game. Tickets will be $15 and includes a Macon Bacon ball cap and all you can eat concessions during the game. Seriously…ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! MC’s what a great way to spend time together this summer at the baseball game and what an awesome opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and co-workers who may not go to church or don’t know Jesus! Use this opportunity to reach out to them while helping raise funds for our students to go to camp. Win, win!!
You can go ahead and purchase tickets here:
One other way you can help our Student MC is through prayer. We have both believers and non-believers that make up our Student MC. They need your prayers as they are trying to navigate the difficulties and challenges of school and the pressures of culture. They need your prayers for the Holy Spirit to lead and convict them of the truths of Jesus. Pray that we would get the funds raised so that all of our students and maybe their friends can join us at camp. Pray that each would continue to grow in Christ and they would know the love of Jesus. Pray that lives would be changed and hearts would be made new by the Gospel.