New City Planting a Missional Community in the Dominican Republic

Caleb and Hanna Bedingfield are leaving Macon in August... but they aren't leaving New City! Here's where they're headed, a little on how we're already a part of this journey and more on how you might help!

We have always had a love for the mission field. It’s something that defines who we are as a couple. We have been blessed with the incredible opportunity to serve many times in numerous countries. We have a deep love for the Gospel and a desire to see the light of Christ shown into the nations. We also have a strong desire to raise up passionate Christ-followers who are committed to serving the Lord on His awesome mission.

This August, we will be moving to the city of Juan Dolio in the Dominican Republic to serve as Student Life Directors for the GAP Program with SCORE International. SCORE is an organization that seeks to evangelize the lost, engage people in missions, equip disciples, and encourage others through serving. The GAP year is a program for high school graduates who will live and study in the Dominican Republic; it’s designed to provide students with the opportunity to become fluent in Spanish, study theology and missions, be immersed in the Hispanic Culture, be discipled in a Missional Community setting, as well as experience what it is like to be a missionary. We will personally be responsible for life-on-life discipleship, mentorship and accountability with these students as well as helping them adjust to a new culture and way of life.

Throughout the past 6 months God has been preparing our hearts for what, at the time, was unknown. We have been going through New City’s training MC under Patrick McConnell’s leadership for the past 17 weeks with the hopes of launching a new MC as leaders for New City. This training has reshaped the way we both see the gospel, given us a passion for building genuine community, and lit a fire in us to live on mission in the day-to-day. We have to admit, when Patrick approached us about becoming MC leaders, we were thrilled. Little did we know, God was using this training to prepare us to essentially launch an MC in the Dominican Republic this Fall. Missional Communities have been a catalyst behind our faith and we see the gospel spreading, the global church growing, and disciples being made through the community that MC’s build.

We have some specific needs as we go on mission to the Dominican:
1.    We need your prayers.
•    94% of the Dominican Republic people are professing Christians with only 9% of them being Evangelical. Pray that the gospel will break down the walls of false religion and legalism and that their eyes will be opened to the glorious grace found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pray for boldness and clarity as we share the Gospel.
•    Pray that healthy, meaningful and God-honoring relationships form with the locals as well as with the students we will be leading and mentoring.
•    Also, please join us in praying that our transition into a new culture and into full-time ministry will be smooth. Life will be very different living in the DR, it will mean the world to have your prayers and encouragement as we move and adjust.

2.    We need financial support.
We are asking you to consider partnering with us financially by supporting us monthly or by giving us a one time gift. You can easily donate to us online HERE -  just put either or both of our name(s) in the info box.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25

The New City, Macon Elder Team has already committed to supporting Caleb and Hanna as they work in the DR!  We are excited for them, excited about what God will be doing in and through them and excited to see what opportunities we might have as a church to travel to the DR and work with the Bedingfields! 


How Does the Gospel Apply to That?


Grace to Get Up and Finish