New Address, Same Mission

In the next couple of weeks we will be holding the first service in our new space.  The building is shaping up to be quite beautiful and really amazing. It is the start of a new chapter for New City. We will no longer be sharing our space with various businesses and other organizations. It's ours.

With the move comes a great danger. The danger is that we settle into our beautiful new building and become comfortable. I am praying even as I type that this doesn't happen. I am praying that we not forget the great task that the church has been called to and the great joy that comes in working to fulfill it. God has called us to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel in every area of life - proclaim it to ourselves, to our church, to our city and to the world.  This is why we are here.

This week our new doors were installed on the church's main level. Many, many people will hopefully walk through those doors. As I considered what we might do with the space above the doors it hit me, that blank space could serve as a reminder to us - a reminder that there is much to be done. So, I gathered scraps of woods, measured, cut and began installing the Jerusalem Cross. The Jerusalem Cross is made up of five crosses. The center and largest cross represents the Good News of Jesus Christ. The four crosses surrounding it represent the four corners of the world. The Jerusalem cross is a reminder that we have been called to herald the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the world.

I am praying that more than ever New City Church proclaims the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I am praying that God would do far more than we have imagined in and through New City Church - that we would be influencers on our city and beyond. I am praying that God would raise up and send out missionaries and church planters and pastors. And I am praying that we might all see as we enter and leave, that the mission of Jesus isn't just for "specialists" and the ordained, but for everyone who believes.

May we more mindful now than ever before of the great mission of the cross, and may we be ever more involved in the gospel reaching the ends of the earth!




Pop Culture Catechism, (Part 1)