Mission: Loving the People Where You Are

My view of mission for the believer has been radically reshaped over the past several years. I once viewed mission as GOING to far away lands where languages and cultures were different - South America, Asia… I saw missionaries as those people who were especially sent by God to reach those foreign people with the good news of Jesus. It was what I learned. The great commission after all says, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…”

As I write this we have a team that just returned from a mission trip to Honduras and another that is currently in Guatemala, I love mission to far away places and peoples who are very different.
But I also have come to know that mission is as much “next door” as it is far away. You see, the great commission, I believe, is not a call to GO, but a call to MAKE DISCIPLES. And I believe that it what we translate as “go” in the original language would better be translated, “as you go.” I believe that because first, it is a participle and second because all of the disciples didn’t “go.” Most stayed where they were. There, where they were, as they went about their normal routines and rhythms of life, they made disciples. As they met new people and made new friends, they told them about Jesus.
They loved the people right where they were,in their neighborhoods and where they worked.

This is mission. Loving the people where you are and loving them enough to tell them about Jesus. It is intentionally living as a missionary right where God has you, as you go about your life.

Last week 2 of our MCs (missional communities) gathered in different places but with the same goal - meeting neighbors and through new relationships, telling them about Jesus. Beautiful!

These aren’t the only MCs intentionally reaching out to their neighbors! Others have had or regularly have neighborhood gatherings with food and drinks and games for the kids! This is becoming the norm - mission, loving the people where we are. What a grace!!

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of
mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel …
Philippians 1


Gathering to Remember


You Are Not Enough, and That's Ok