Meet Sophie Green, A Hopeful Missionary

Matthew 9:37-38
“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’”

A few weeks ago we kicked off the final section of our study of the book of Acts, "To the Ends of the Earth." Following that kickoff we had our 5th New City partner come forward to say, "I believe God is calling me to the ends of the earth."  As a Pastor, I cannot tell you how excited that makes me!  We want New City to be a sending church. We want to help those who feel that God is sending them to assess their call and readiness, to strengthen them in their weakness and to send them to the nations!

I want you to meet Sophie!  Sophie believes God is calling her to the foreign mission field. Sophie is a little ahead of New City on going... ahead of our readiness to assess and equip and send. But we want to love and encourage Sophie as she takes huge steps of faith toward the Philippines.  Here's Sophie's story.

I graduated in May 2015 with a degree in Early Childhood Education from Georgia College and State University. During my freshman year at GCSU, a girl who was on staff with Campus Outreach became a close friend and began introducing to me what it was like to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. During my sophomore year, I began to fully understand and live out Campus Outreach’s mission statement which is, “Glorying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world.” Through the impact and growth I have experienced with this ministry, God has given me a passion to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the lost world and help make disciples of Jesus.

One way I want to begin living out this God given passion is pursuing a staff position within the ministry. Therefore, I will be moving to Manila, Philippines in January as a staff member with Campus Outreach for two years. My job will include going onto two college campuses in Manila to build relationships with students, share the Gospel with them, and challenge them to join bible studies, discipleship groups, and most importantly to repent and place their trust in Jesus Christ. Additionally, I will continue learning and walking in a relationship with Christ by joining a local church and being in a discipleship group with the other women on my team.

Why Manila? The religious demographics of the Philippines are: 83% Catholic, 5% Muslim, 3% Evangelical Christian. Filipinos are very mobile people and are welcomed by many countries which are closed to western missionaries. Metro Manila is the collegiate center of the Philippines with over 400,000 students in the area. That is a lot of students that could hear the Gospel, become followers of Christ, and take the Gospel in the lost people around the world!

            In order for me to go on staff and to make this journey of faith, I need people who are willing to partner with me both prayerfully and financially. I have been raising support for the past couple of months but am still in need of a lot of partners. I am in need to monthly financial supporters and one time donations.

I would love to talk with you further to discuss the ways that you can enter into a partnership with me during this exciting time.

Phone: 478-718-6323

Will you join me, New City Church and anyone who might read this post in praying for Sophie?

Sophie, we can't wait to see what God is going to do!
Pastor Keith


You Are Here, Be Where You Are!


Deer, Dawgs & Jesus