Marriage Conference | Feb. 22, 2020

Join us for a day of encouragement in your marriage! 

Text questions for our Couples Summit anytime to 478-207-5840!

Our main speaker is Randy Nabors. Workshops will be led by Gary & Rosalyn Hickman.

Registration is $10 per person; couples should buy two tickets. Purchase tickets here.

Light snacks, water and coffee will be provided. The schedule will be as follows:

8:30 Registration/Icebreaker
9:00 Praise and Worship
9:15 Session One: Main Speaker Randy Nabors
10:00 Break
10:15 Session Two: Marriage Workshop Leaders Gary and Rosalyn Hickman
11:00 Lunch (local restaurants)
12:30 Praise and Worship
12:45 Session Three: Main Speaker Randy Nabors
1:30 Break
1:45 Couples Summit (Q & A)
2:30 Testimony
2:45 Prayer for Marriages
3:00 End


Pray For Your Teens


Buckle Up, Things Are Changing!