Light of the World

Recently my family faced a health scare. There was worry, fear, dread, anxiety, shock. Nothing can ever prepare you for such sobering news. Thoughts race through your head. Countless questions ricochet inside of your brain: “How could this happen?” “Is this something that can be treated?” “Why…just why?” Honestly, we’ve all been there. We’ve all had bad news hit us like a freight train. Bruised and broken from the blow, we’re left trying to make sense of it all. 

This was not how it was supposed to be. At the start of creation God had made it ALL good. At the Fall, sin had corrupted God’s good design. We now experience pain, suffering, and death. But God, in his abounding grace provided a Light in this darkness to lead us out of death and into life. The Light was Jesus, God’s Son who took on flesh to die on the cross for our sins and rose to life on that third day to defeat and conquer sin and death once and for all. Jesus experienced pain, death, and suffering in every way. What better savior could one ask for? One that sympathizes and has experienced everything we’ve experienced and also provides a way out. Jesus is the Light that reminds us of life. Jesus reminds us that we are deeply and truly loved. 

Again Jesus spoke to them saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’
— John 8:12

This song has been a beautiful prayer for us at New City Church. The past couple of years have been a struggle. In the midst of confusion, pain, and weariness it's easy to forget the Truth. This prayer reminds us of the Truth of Christ and what He's done for us. "You're the Lamp the Light of heaven / Dawn of Mercy for all men / Through Your death and resurrection / Sons of night are born again." 

Thankful for this song. 

Thankful for the Light of heaven that makes us new again.


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