It's Time - 625

"True belief," Mrs. Dr. Talley said, "always changes behavior. Our actions are indicative of our true belief." I think she was right. When we truly believe something we live our life as if it is true. I was having this conversation with a friend at our gym and used the example of a burning building. If I told you the building was on fire and we needed to run but you didn't believe me, you wouldn't run. At best, you would probably look around. But if you believed the building was on fire, you would act.

I posted a blog asking you to pray for 625 people. We, elders and staff, believe that this is where God would have us for 2 reasons - 1) As good stewards of our resources, God would desire that we max out what we have for the kingdom. We believe 625 people will max out our current staff and facilities for 2 services. 2) We believe that God has called us to reach people with the gospel - this is His mission. We asked for you to join us in praying for 625 because God has chosen to work through prayer. So we are praying that through this, God's name would be hallowed, His kingdom would come and His will would be done.
We believe that this is His will.
So, we believe that He is going to send 625 people, soon.  Why wouldn't He?

This means, it's time!  It's time to get ready for 625!
Because we truly believe this is what God desires (I mean it is according to His will), we need to act now. Our actions, or lack of action will be indicative of what we truly believe - right?
So, pray with us - yes!
Believe with us - yes!
Get ready with us...


We need to add MCs!  For the most part our MCs are all nearly full. 
We have the staff for 625, the training for 625, the building and services for 625 and we have the volunteers for 625 on Sunday, BUT we don't have enough MCs.  We need some of you to consider leading in the next 6 months!
We'll train you.
We'll set you up with a team of co-leaders.
We'll support you and continue to walk with you as you lead.
So, let's do this!

Our next training for potential leaders and co-leaders (YES - we need co-leaders as well) will begin in March. If you are willing to explore the possibility of leading, co-leading or hosting an MC please let Caleb know!  Email him now,!

Pray with us - “Pray that God’s name would be hallowed. Pray that God’s kingdom comes. Pray that the will of God is done on earth as it is in heaven.”  H.B. Charles, Jr.
Believe with us - God is going to max out our current systems, structures and resources - 625.
Get Ready With Us.


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